After successful completion of the course, students are able to
explain basic physiological, physical, and biochemical processes within the human body,
discuss the diversity of medically-relevant biosignals of the human body,
demonstrate the generation and propagation of biosignals within the body,
argue the registration of biosignals by sensors on the body,
apply basic biosignal analysis methods,
assess the derivation of electrical, chemical, acoustical, magnetical, mechanical, and optical biosignals, and
design the respective sensor systems.
Physiological basis, selected physiological parameters and their behaviour, biosignals of humans, electrical biosignals, acoustical biosignals, optical biosignals, and mechanical biosignals.
Eugenijus Kaniusas, Biomedical Signals and Sensors I: Linking physiological phenomena and biosignals, Springer Publisher (2012)
Eugenijus Kaniusas, Biomedical Signals and Sensors II: Linking acoustic and optic biosignals and biomedical sensors, Springer Publisher (2015)
Eugenijus Kaniusas, Biomedical Signals and Sensors III: Linking electric biosignals and biomedical sensors, Springer Publisher (2019)
Volumes I and II with student discount of 50% (by INTU-books only)
Lecture slides on TUWEL.