351.011 Electrical Engineering 2
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, VO, 3.0h, 4.5EC


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.5
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to talk about these topics: Magnetic phenomena. Elementary methods of magnetic field calculations. Magnetic circuits. Global and local properties of magnetic fields.Induction phenomena. Circuits with inductors and transformers. Sinusoidal oscillations. Complex circuit analysis. Topology of electrical networks. Network analysis. Theorems for linear circuits. Multiports and polyphase systems. Two-ports. Electromagnetic fields and waves. Transmission lines. Energy concepts in electromagnetism.

Subject of course

Magnetic phenomena. Elementary methods of magnetic field calculations. Magnetic circuits. Global and local properties of magnetic fields.Induction phenomena. Circuits with inductors and transformers. Sinusoidal oscillations. Complex circuit analysis. Topology of electrical networks. Network analysis. Theorems for linear circuits. Multiports and polyphase systems. Two-ports. Electromagnetic fields and waves. Transmission lines. Energy concepts in electromagnetism.

Teaching methods

Bewährte Methoden der Hochschuldidaktik

Mode of examination


Additional information

Introduction to the physical and methodical fundamentals of electrical engineering, part 2



Course dates

Wed08:00 - 09:0001.03.2023 - 28.06.2023EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Mon08:00 - 09:0006.03.2023 - 03.07.2023EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Tue08:00 - 09:0007.03.2023 - 04.07.2023EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed15:00 - 16:0015.03.2023Bibliothek E363 Einsicht zu Termin 02. 03. 2023
Electrical Engineering 2 - Single appointments
Wed01.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Mon06.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Tue07.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed08.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Mon13.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Tue14.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed15.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed15.03.202315:00 - 16:00Bibliothek E363 Einsicht zu Termin 02. 03. 2023
Mon20.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Tue21.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed22.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Mon27.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Tue28.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed29.03.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Mon17.04.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Tue18.04.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed19.04.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Mon24.04.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Tue25.04.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung
Wed26.04.202308:00 - 09:00EI 7 Hörsaal - ETIT Vorlesung

Examination modalities

Obligatory written examination

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 235 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Mandatory2. Semester


Lecture notes and book for this course are available either for free download or on offer at the bookstore (book) and at the secretariat of the Institute (1040 Vienna, Gusshausstrasse 27-29, staircase 2, 1st floor, room CB0109,  Mrs. Mühlhauser), price 9,00 €

Previous knowledge

Good knowledge of physics and mathematics at a secondary school level.

