330.250 Innovation Lab - Smart Innovation
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2025S, VU, 2.0h, 4.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

- use selected methods of innovation management in a project-specific way
- navigate a interdisciplinary and virtually mediated innovation process successfully
- reflect on the social dynamics in an interdisciplinary innovation process

Subject of course

Main course language is German - switch above

Teaching methods

Main course language is German - switch above


Mode of examination


Additional information

Course language is German - switch above



Course dates

Wed11:00 - 12:0016.04.2025 Zoom - https://zoom.us/j/6612647123?pwd=Nk1wa3FZUGxTMUVuT1I0R0pFM2FEdz09Vorbesprechung *OPTIONAL*
Fri17:00 - 19:0009.05.2025Hörsaal 15 Phase 1: Aktuelle Konzepte und Methoden des Innovationsmanagements interaktive Einführung
Fri17:00 - 19:0016.05.2025Hörsaal 15 Phase 1: Aktuelle Konzepte und Methoden des Innovationsmanagements interaktive Einführung
Wed16:30 - 17:1521.05.2025 Zoom (Details für angemeldete Studierende)Phase 2: Briefing und Q&A für Folgephasen
Thu16:00 - 18:0022.05.2025 Zoom (Details für angemeldete Studierende)Phase 2: Vorstellung Challenges für Teamwork durch Partnerunternehmen via Zoom
Wed16:00 - 19:0004.06.2025 Veranstaltungsort im Herzen von Wien (Details für angemeldete Studierende)Phase 3: Teamwork gemeinsam mit Partnerunternehmen
Thu08:30 - 19:0005.06.2025 Veranstaltungsort im Herzen von Wien (Details für angemeldete Studierende)Phase 3: Teamwork gemeinsam mit Partnerunternehmen
Fri08:30 - 17:3013.06.2025 Veranstaltungsort im Herzen von Wien (Details für angemeldete Studierende)Phase 3: Teamwork gemeinsam mit Partnerunternehmen
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

Main course language is German - switch above


Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
03.02.2025 00:00 08.05.2025 12:00 08.05.2025 12:00

Registration modalities

Course language is German - switch above


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
066 558 Quantum Information Science and Technology Mandatory elective
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


No lecture notes are available.


if required in English