After successful completion of the course, students are able to......describe approaches and concepts of humanization and augmentation of efficiency of work systems through optimal design and execution of human labor and apply them on practical essential influencing variables on work satisfaction...describe pros and cons of different possibilities of compensation...explain the importance of ressources and strain and identify coping strategies...describe the trends demographic change, digitalization, flexibility and internationalization and discuss their relevance in the context of cognitive and production work...reflect on group processes
The module teaches basic concepts of labour science:
Online-Videos, Gastvortrag, Präsenz-Sessions zur Vertiefung, Übungen
Participation in introductionary session is obligatory. Students who are not present in the introductionary session (and are not excused) are automatically signed off.
Due to the pandemic, the format of the course may change.
active participation during Q&A sessions, written assignments, 2 tests, participation excursion Pilotfabrik
Registration via TISS, no more than 70 participants will be accepted for the course.
Relevant literature:
a reader containing all relevant literature can be purchased at the introductionary session or at the secretary.
Prior completion of "Grundlagen der Betriebs- und Unternehmensführung" recommended.