Presentation with examples. Between the lectures, eLearning tests are provided (voluntary). This lecture is in conjunction with the design exercise “Pressure Vessel Technology – Design Work” (307.468).
Coordination of the lecture on Pressure Vessel Technlogy (329.024) with the corresponding design exercise (307.468):
The lecture is coordinated with the design exercise so that it is possible to complete the design exercise in the same semester as the lecture. It is recommended to complete the design exercise either parallel to the lecture in the same semester (WS) or one semester later in the summer semester.
Hybrid format:
The course will be held largely on-site in the winter semester 2023. In addition, the content will be made available online in the form of the script and recordings and supplemented by interim tests in TUWEL.
The course is assessed by means of an oral examination, whereby the material is tested by means of examples. During the preparation time, in which the printed script and possibly other written documents may be used, the candidate works out solutions and prepares notes (sketches, formulae, keywords) on a board or flipchart. Then the oral examination takes place on the basis of the examples given and solutions worked out. The candidate explains the solutions with the help of his notes on the board or flipchart and the understanding of the material is checked by supplementary questions.
Points are awarded for solving the tasks and answering the intermediate questions. 50% of the points must be achieved for a positive assessment.
For dates, please contact the lecturer directly by email - approx. 2 weeks before the desired date.
If there is a (justified) need, online examinations are possible (appropriate instructions will be provided.).