322.072 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2023W, UE, 1.0h, 1.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 1.0
  • ECTS: 1.0
  • Typ: UE Übung
  • Format der Abhaltung: Präsenz


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage:

  • Understand the dynamics of physical, chemical and biological processes that control heat, mass and momentum transport in biological applications, integrating specific knowledge with that of other related fields in engineering (for example thermodynamics and fluid mechanics);
  • follow specific physico-mathematical reasoning that are required to understand and model transport phenomena in biological systems;
  • understand and solve simple problems encountered in biological/chemical applications;
  • develop learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy;

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

(Bitte beachten Sie die Beschreibung in Englisch.)

  1. Introduction: The role of transport processes in biological systems; Conservation equations; dimensional analysis and scales of motions; Transport by diffusion; Transport by convection;

  2. Fluid Flow in the Circulation and Tissues: Oscillating flow in a cylindrical tube; Flow in Curved Vessels; Flow in Branching Vessels; Flow in arteries (Carotid Artery, Aorta, Coronary Arteries); Wall elasticity; Arterial Fluid Dynamics and Atherosclerosis; Heart-Valve Hemodynamics;

  3. Mass Transport in Biological systems - Diffusion: Fick's law; Diffusion through a film; Diffusion through porous media and through porous membranes; Diffusion with reactions;

  4. Mass Transport in Biological systems - Convection: Convective transport; Transport from an oxygen bubble; Convective transport with reaction;


The following methods will be used to support students in achieving the expected learning outcomes:

  • Calculation of examples and case studies at the blackboard;
  • Assignment of homeworks to be solved independently by the students; discussion of the corresponding solution strategies/results with the student;
  • Introduction to Matlab and Fortran, and to the basic principles of scientific computing and numerical methods
  • preparation of scientific reports



Weitere Informationen

(Bitte beachten Sie die Beschreibung in Englisch.

The first UE lecture will be Wednesday October 11, 2023.


Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Mi.14:00 - 15:0011.10.2023 - 17.01.2024FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems - Einzeltermine
Mi.11.10.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.18.10.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.25.10.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.08.11.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.22.11.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.29.11.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.06.12.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.13.12.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.20.12.202314:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.10.01.202414:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE
Mi.17.01.202414:00 - 15:00FH Hörsaal 7 - GEO Transport phenomena-UE


Students have to prepare a report with the solution of specific problems presented during the lectures, and involving the application of simple numerical techniques or the analysis of experimental data. A grade will be given based on  the quality of the final report.


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
15.09.2023 12:00 16.10.2023 12:00 16.10.2023 12:00


Please register to the course in case you want to attend the lectures


066 453 Biomedical Engineering Keine Angabe
066 473 Verfahrenstechnik und nachhaltige Produktion Keine Angabe
ALG Für alle Hörerinnen/Hörer Freifach


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.


Suggested readings:

  • R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, Ed. John Wiley and Sons, 1960
  • G. A. Truskey, F. Yuan, D. F. Katz, Transport phenomena in biological systems, Ed. Prentice-Hall, 2010

