Linear and nonlinear optimization methods in structural design are introduced and explained by means of examples. Some topics: Linear programming (Simplex method) with application to optimization of trusses and nonlinear iterative shape optimization. Nonlinear Optimization: graphical solution method, simultaneous failure mode design, Lagrange multipliers, search methods without constraints (gradient methods, conjugate directions, quasi-Newton methods), method of feasibile directions, GRG (generalized reduced gradient method), SQP (sequential quadratic programming), inscribed hyperspheres, penalty function methods, approximation techniques, dynamic programming, optimization by means of biological principles, optimization under the presence of tolerances.
The script is put on the server before the lecture, so students may look into it before the lecture (without obligation). This script is presented via overhead during lecture. Students are permanently encouraged to ask questions or give remarks, so also loosening the lecture.
At the end of the lecture there is a general date for examination. Individual dates may be arranged outside TU by e-mail. There is a list of questions on the server that may be used as self-test, but the questions are not posed exactly in this way.