280.B09 Bachelor thesis Sustainable spatial development in Europe
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, SE, 4.0h, 10.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 10.0
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to implement their specific knowledge and professional abilities in an individual bachelor thesis in the field of sustainable spatiual development in Europe. The thesis should be elaborated under the guidance of experienced researchers and provide an independent academic work, which meets all relevant scientific requirements and will be presented and discussed in the seminar.

Subject of course

  • Theoretical and methodic requirements of scientific work 
  • Elaboration of an independent academic work in the field of sustainable spatiual development in Europe
  • Presentation and critical reflexion of the research concept and the draft version of the thesis
  • Discussion and critical reflexion of other concepts and approaches

Teaching methods

Methods of scientific work:

  • defining research questions and hypotheses
  • implementing suitable empirical methods
  • search and reflection of relant literature

Mode of examination


Additional information

Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Course dates

Wed12:00 - 14:0009.10.2024 - 29.01.2025Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Termine
Bachelor thesis Sustainable spatial development in Europe - Single appointments
Wed09.10.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Kick Off: Inhalte und Organisation
Wed16.10.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Prinzipien, Methoden und Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens 1
Wed23.10.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Prinzipien, Methoden und Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens 2
Wed30.10.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Themenfindung
Wed06.11.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Zwischenpräsentation: Thema, Forschungsfragen, Exposé
Wed13.11.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Konzept, Methoden, Literatur
Wed20.11.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Konzept, Methoden, Literatur
Wed27.11.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Konzept, Methoden, Literatur
Wed04.12.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Konzept, Methoden, Literatur
Wed11.12.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Zwischenpräsentation: Konzept, Methoden, Aufbau
Wed18.12.202412:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Ausarbeitung der Bachelorarbeit
Wed08.01.202512:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Ausarbeitung der Bachelorarbeit
Wed15.01.202512:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Ausarbeitung der Bachelorarbeit
Wed22.01.202512:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Präsentation der Bachelorarbeit
Wed29.01.202512:00 - 14:00Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Drop-in: Fertigstellung der Bachelorarbeit

Examination modalities

  • written bachelor thesis
  • oral presentation
  • written reflection of the seminar

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
08.07.2024 09:00 14.10.2024 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 240 Spatial Planning Mandatory6. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

