After successful completion of the course, students are able to...
... understand concepts, designs and projects from the current practice of mobility planning.
... classify and reflect the viewpoints and perspectives of different actors in mobility planning (politics, administration, planning, ...).
... perceive the challenges of mobility planning in their own (urban) environment more consciously.
MOVE.Walks is a new series of lectures of the research unit MOVE with the aim to discuss current concepts, drafts and projects from the planning practice of mobility planning in the form of walks together with experts. Depending on the topic, we will walk through the city with one or two experts from different fields (politics, administration, planning, ...) and sharpen our perception of current challenges in mobility planning. Afterwards, we will reflect on what we have seen and experienced together in a short discussion.
The experts of the individual walks will be continuously added to TISS until the end of February.
Die Walks finden bei jeder Witterung statt.
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Details on the organization will be announced at the KickOff.
Attendance at the KickOff is mandatory to complete the course.
Bitte melden Sie sich nur an, wenn Sie aus heutiger Sicht an allen vier Terminen + KickOff teilnehmen können!