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280.A40 Discourse on Planning Practice HARD AM LIMIT
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to critically reflect on theoretical and practical approaches of Tactical Urbanism and to evaluate the quality of process design, actor constellations, intervention and outcome for different case studies.

Subject of course

Short time action for long time change

In the context of a climate and health crises, temporary interventions to transform public spaces are gaining popularity, but also urgency. Cities around the world are implementing pop-up bike lanes and transforming car-oriented streets into open spaces for exercise, festivals, and local recreation. Short-term measures, also known as "Tactical Urbanism," that are commonly understood as quick, cheap, and simple to implement.

As part of the Design Studio HARD AM LIMIT, Tactical Urbanism is used as a design and planning tool in the service of climate change adaptation. Joined action to reverse the current trend! To this end, temporary interventions are designed for the former schoolyard of the municipality of Hard, in Vorarlberg, which will be realized on site in a 10-day construction workshop. The impetus for a long-term sustainability transformation can be experienced first hand!


(The inputs will take place during and within the workshops of the Design Studio, in the same room.)


Thursday, 09.03.2023 | 09:00-12:00
Tactical Urbanism - Jan Gartner
Climate Change Adaptation- Katrin Hagen


Wednesday, 15.03.2023 | 14:00-15:00
Klimateam Wien - Wencke Hertsch

Thursday, 16.03.2023 | 09:00-12:00
Schienengarten - Manuela Zechner
Supergrätzl Wien - Georg Wieser und Florian Lorenz


Thursday, 23.03.2023 | 09:00-12:00
Stadtlücken - Sascha Bauer und Christine von Raven
- Marlene Lötsch und Andreas Lint

Teaching methods

- Inputs by external experts on different aspects of Tactical Urbanism
- Student-led discussions on the case studies
- Synthesis of learning and knowledge gained

Mode of examination


Additional information

The VU is offered in combination with UE 280.A38 Design Studio HARD AM LIMIT and EX 280.A39 Excursion – Stadt und Landschaft HARD AM LIMIT.

Students of spatial planning can complete the core project and two elective courses of the Wahlmodul 3 Stadt und Landschaft with UE 280.A38 + EX 280.A39 + VU 280.A40.

Architecture students can get the VU 280.A40 + EX 280.A39 accredited as elective courses.



Course dates

Thu09:00 - 12:0009.03.2023 workshop roomINPUT WS1 - PRINCIPLES
Wed14:00 - 17:0015.03.2023 workshop roomINPUT WS2 - IMPACT
Thu09:00 - 12:0023.03.2023 workshop roomINPUT WS3 - PRACTICE
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

Active participation in meetings and discussions. The students are divided into four groups (regardless of the design studio group constellation).
Preparation of the input dates by one group each (research on the respective topic, the guests and their projects, presentation and moderation, documentation and preparation of the unit).
A fourth group coordinates and edits the publication (format and medium to be defined).

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
15.02.2023 00:00 24.02.2023 23:00 01.03.2023 23:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 440 Spatial Planning Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Accompanying courses

