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280.905 Energy and Climate-related Analysis and Planning
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022S, VU, 4.0h, 6.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 6.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • pick up the theoretical contents presented in the lecture course and elaborate on them in exercises
  • work on analytical as well as on planning tasks using different approaches and tools.
  • estimate the energy demand of different spatial structures in the dimensions of heat (cooling) / electricity and mobility
  • (roughly) estimate the potential of renewable energy sources in a planning region
  • design more energy-efficient systems for different future scenarios take into account and optimize existing spatial and energy structures
  • present and communicate developed scenarios in the form of plans and programmes

Subject of course

The municipality of Vösendorf is a "Klima- und Energie-Modellregion" (climate and energy model region, KEM). In order to achieve the emission targets set by the EU and the Austrian government, the municipality has to take major steps in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy saving. In the first part of the project (KEM phase 2) in 2019, students of the TU Wien, Institute of Spatial Planning, have analysed 8 sites in Vösendorf regarding their "energy-conscious spatial development" within the framework of a training course. The results were presented and published. 


We will be continuing here in the summer semester 2022. For the second part of the project, the municipality of Vösendorf has selected 3 areas (see map section above) for which energy-related spatial planning is to be further developed, with implementation concepts being the final product. After the end of the course, the implementation will start!


  • Analysis of the energy demand of different spatial structures and evaluation of the potential of renewable energy sources
  • Development of implementation criteria
  • Economic efficiency and feasibility aspects of different options
  • Preparation of implementation concepts
  • Communication of the results to different stakeholders

The VU will be held in cooperation with the climate and energy region "Energy Shopping Vösendorf" in summer semester 2022. Supported by the Vösendorf municipal Department for environment- and climate protection, the students will have the opportunity to work in a very realistic setting.

Teaching methods

  • Modelling of the energy demand for different dimensions of energy based on given structures and parameters from literature
  • Application of analysis tools from the sector of energy-related spatial planning
  • Preparation of an analysis report and documentation
  • Discussion and classification of the results with experts
  • Communication of the results to different stakeholders

The tools used in the past years are presented. The final choice of tools is left to the students.

Mode of examination


Additional information

The course is part of the elective module 4 - Mobility and Energy

  The module presentation will take place on 1.3.2022 - 13:00 per Zoom https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/93965726561?pwd=dnM2MDZONTZyVC8zdkYweUFkRE4wUT09

  • The condition for participation in the course is the submission of the introductory task.
  • The assignment will be handed out on 1.3.2022
  • The combination with the VO 280.901 Energy Spatial Planning is highly recommended!

The lecture will start in presence mode in accordance with the current COVID-19 rules of TU Wien

Subject to change due to coronavirus pandemic.



Course dates

Thu14:00 - 17:0003.03.2022EI 6 Eckert HS Kickoff
Thu14:00 - 18:0010.03.2022 Treffpunkt 14:00 in Vösendorf, Badner Bahn Station "Schönbrunner Allee"Ortstermin Vösendorf: Besuch der Planungsgebiete
Thu14:00 - 18:0017.03.2022Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Auftakt Phase I
Thu14:00 - 18:0031.03.2022Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Zwischenpräsentation Phase I/Feedback
Thu14:00 - 18:0007.04.2022 nach VereinbarungBetreuungstermin
Thu14:00 - 18:0028.04.2022Sem.R. DB gelb 05 B Zwischenpräsentation (TU intern, KW & HD) - Phase I & Start Phase 2 (Entwurf Maßnahmenkriterien)
Thu14:00 - 18:0005.05.2022Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Betreuungstermin (KW)
Thu14:00 - 18:0019.05.2022Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL (HD) Vorbereitungstermin für die Zwischenpräs. am 02.06. in Vösendorf
Thu14:00 - 18:0002.06.2022 Schloss Vösendorf, großer Gemeinderatssaal, 2. StockZwischenpräsentation in Vösendorf
Thu14:00 - 18:0009.06.2022Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL WS zu Struktur, Inhalten und Fristen Final-Produkte
Thu14:00 - 18:0023.06.2022Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Vorb. der Endpräsentation am 30.06.
Thu16:00 - 18:0030.06.2022 Schloss Vösendorf, großer Gemeinderatssaal, 2. StockAbschlusspräsentation in Vösendorf

Examination modalities

The course has an immanent examination character, attendance is compulsory.

There will be 3 assignments to work on – one individual and 2 group tasks. All assignments must be positively completed in order to be able to continue participating in the course. The overall grade is made up of the individual grades of the assignments, the participation and the attendance.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
15.02.2022 09:00 01.03.2022 12:00 02.03.2022 12:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 440 Spatial Planning Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

