After successful completion of the course, students are able to solve simple legal questions in relateion to business law context situations and to make a first assessment of legal framework govering corporate law constructions.After a successful completion of the course, students are able to
Legal background and problems of public procurement in Austria (scope and principles of procurement law, procedure types, publication at national and European level, legal requirements at technical specifications, practical handling of procurement procedures from the opening of tenders to the award of the contract, legal instruments and judicature); Goverment Procurement Agreement, relevant aspects of contract law.
Lecture, practical examples, discussions
The following modalities and requirements for participation apply - you need: 1. a stable internet connection, 2. a webcam, 3. Your TU Wien student ID. The examination takes place for all registered persons via TUWEL on the specified date. However, you will be divided into GoToMeeting groups in advance for identity control via video conference. Before the exam, you will receive a message from TUWEL telling you which group you are assigned to. Identification takes place by showing your student ID in the meeting. You must attend the GoToMeeting with your webcam throughout the exam to allow supervision. For content-related questions, you have the option of asking them in a TUChat. Please do not ask any content-related questions in the GoToMeeting, as this could distract your fellow students. All the links required for this are provided for you in TUWEL.