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280.208 Spatial development strategies
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2020W, SE, 1.5h, 3.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to:

  • to interpret the concepts "strategy" and "spatial development" reflecting topical problems,
  • to develop spatial concepts and strategies of sustainable spatial development benefiting from concrete spatial research labs and "living labs",
  • to reflect relevant planning approaches and to develop an individual position in close dialogue
  • to assess the theoretical foundations of spatial planning critically

Subject of course


Description of the seminar by Voigt/Wieshofer:

The multifaceted changes affecting our living spaces, such as the predominantly inward focus of settlement development together with changes in mobility, landscape, demography, energy and not least climate, call for clearly structured, integrated strategies and concepts for transformation.

In terms of content, the seminar focuses on:
- Processes & strategies in the spatial context
- Strategic planning

Description of the seminar by Witthöft: Thematic Focus "Housing in the Urban development Politics".

Against the background of changes in governance and planning in the context of postfordist processes of urban restructuring, the seminar mainly concentrates on questioning, how these changes alter political decision-making processes and power structures in housing politics in the urban development. Hence, its focus is on analysing and scrutinizing "housing politics" in the D - A - CH - Region.


Objectives, seminar group Giffinger/Zhang:

Topic: Strategies of energy transition, mitigating emissions and climate change 

  • Development of definitions of energy transition and strategies for mitigation
  • Reading on questions of spatial development and energy related transition strategies and analysis of case studies
  • Own analysis of specific problem, evaluation of important challenges and corresponding strategies on mitigation
  • Critical reflection on the importance of sustainability and related strategies

Programme and examination modalities

  • 40% participation (presence, discrete contribution, preparation of interim results for discussion in the plenary session, attendance of at least one meeting appointment)
  • 20% Writing an abstract according to given guidelines
  • 40% Writing a scientifically profound seminar paper as a group of 3
  • Details: see syllabus in "documents"

Kick-Off seminar group Giffinger/Zhang: 15th of October, 12 - 2 pm (online teaching)

TUWEL course link: https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=33088

The Group Giffinger/Zhang will be held in English. The final seminar paper can be written in German or English.


Lehrinhalte Gruppe Getzner: Ecological economics, and the economic concepts in spatial planning

The seminar deals with the concept of ecological economics as a strand (school) of economics building on the limits to growth for analyzing economic problems and questions. Students will acquire an understanding and knowledge about

-       concepts of ecological economics compared to standard (neoclassical) economic theories;

-       limits to economic growth (development);

-       potential trade-offs among the goals of sustainability;

-       the embedding of global ecological problems such as climate change and biodiversity loss in economic theories;

-       linkages between spatial (regional, urban) development and ecological economics.

Potential topics of seminar papers

The seminar has a significantly economic focus:

-       basic concepts of ecological economics;

-       critical focus on spatial development theories and concepts;

-       case studies on material and resource (energy) consumption, economic growth, regional competitiveness and social goals, gray energy imports and regional/national greenhouse gases.

The Getzner seminar group is especially open for international students (taught in English).

Start: Wed. 2 October 2019, 4-5 pm, IFIP seminar room

Teaching methods

  • thematic input via lecture
  • interactive discussions
  • exchange of ideas with colleagues and practicioners
  • teamwork, presentation and critival reflection
  • Seminar paper, presentations, discussions

Mode of examination


Additional information

Diese LVA ist zusammen mit der VU Planungsethik und der VO Raumplanungspolitik Bestandteil des Master Pflichtmodul 2: Raumplanungspolitik und -ethik.


Bitte nur bei einer der 4 Gruppen anmelden!



Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Examination modalities

comprehensive active participation at workshops and plenum meetings; ownstandig groupwork with corresponding scientific standard

Group dates

Gruppe Giffinger/ZhangThu12:00 - 14:0015.10.2020 - 14.01.2021 ZOOMSeminar - Strategie zur Raumentwicklung
Gruppe Giffinger/ZhangThu13:00 - 15:0010.12.2020Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL 280.208 Spatial development strategies Gruppe Giffinger/Zhang
Gruppe Voigt/WieshoferMon15:00 - 17:0009.11.2020Seminarraum EBU1-2 - RPL Auftaktvorlesungen, Aufgabenstellung und Gruppeneinteilung (Gruppe Wieshofer, Voigt)
Gruppe Voigt/WieshoferMon15:00 - 17:0016.11.2020Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL Präsentation Problemsicht/Positionspapier und Abgabe Positionspapier (Gruppe Wieshofer, Voigt)
Gruppe Voigt/WieshoferMon15:00 - 18:0014.12.2020Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL Verpflichtender Feedbacktermin (Gruppe Wieshofer, Voigt)
Gruppe Voigt/WieshoferMon15:00 - 18:0018.01.2021Seminarraum EBEG-3 - RPL Abschlusspräsentation inkl. Feedback (Gruppe Wieshofer, Voigt)
Gruppe Voigt/WieshoferMon15:00 - 16:0008.02.2021 Abgabe im Sekretariat und digital per eMail/CD RomSpäteste Abgabe des Berichtes und der Plakate (Gruppe Wieshofer, Voigt)
Gruppe WitthöftTue09:00 - 11:0013.10.2020Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL Gruppe Witthöft - Kick OFF
Gruppe WitthöftTue09:00 - 11:0020.10.2020Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL Gruppe Witthöft - Stadtpolitik im derzeitigen Kontext 1
Gruppe WitthöftTue09:00 - 12:0017.11.2020Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL Gruppe Witthöft - Stadtpolitik im derzeitigen Kontext 2
Gruppe WitthöftTue09:00 - 12:0008.12.2020Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL Gruppe Witthöft - AnalyseStrategie
Gruppe WitthöftTue09:00 - 12:0026.01.2021Seminarraum EBEG-2 - RPL Gruppe Witthöft - Präsentation State of the Art

Course registration

Use Group Registration to register.

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Gruppe Giffinger/Zhang21.09.2020 18:0007.10.2020 18:00
Gruppe Voigt/Wieshofer21.09.2020 18:0009.10.2020 18:00
Gruppe Witthöft21.09.2020 18:0005.10.2020 18:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 440 Spatial Planning Mandatory1. Semester


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge




if required in English