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280.197 Sustainable Urban Development: Challenges and Policy Responses
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2018S, SE, 1.5h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: SE Seminar

Aim of course

Please check the syllabus (download materials) for a more detailed description!

This class will be held in English, use of German is permitted if necessary.

Cities and urban regions are increasingly confronted with the issue of sustainable spatial planning. But how can this be understood and implemented? The aim of this seminar is to investigate the topics of sustainability and urban planning, and to raise awareness on the issue. Different approaches to sustainable planning are presented by lecturers and students and discussed in class, and the knowledge gained is used to critically investigate different concepts in urban/local development.

After this class, students should be able to participate in the discussion on sustainable urban planning, know various thematic concepts relating to it, and carry out urban planning following criteria of sustainability.

Subject of course

Mode: Discussions with and presentations by students (in small groups) on thematically relevant literature and discussion. Students prepare for each class beforehand.

  • Kick-off: Short presentation by lecturers and assignment of groups and topics.
  • Session 1: How are sustainability and urban development related?
  • Session 2: Planning sustainable urban development
  • Session 3: Sustainability in different fields of urban development

The relevant literature and assignment specifications will be supplied via TUWEL.

Additional information

Make sure to participate in the first session as there will be a waiting list for the class and you may lose your spot otherwise.

Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Course dates

Tue16:00 - 16:3006.03.2018 Seminarraum SRF: 1090 Vienna, Augasse 2-6, 2nd floor, section CKick-off elective module
Tue09:00 - 11:0013.03.2018 SRF library (Augasse 2-6, old WU, 2nd floor, sector C)Introduction
Tue09:00 - 11:0020.03.2018 SRF library (Augasse 2-6, old WU, 2nd floor, sector C)Session 1
Tue09:00 - 11:0010.04.2018 SRF library (Augasse 2-6, old WU, 2nd floor, sector C)Session 2
Tue09:00 - 11:0024.04.2018 SRF library (Augasse 2-6, old WU, 2nd floor, sector C)Session 3

Examination modalities

  • Active participation in class
  • one individual assignment
    • Summarizing a paper/book chapter (using a template supplied via TUWEL) which will be shared with the class
  • four group assignments
    • Preparation for session 1 (750-1000 words)
    • Preparation for session 2 (750-1000 words)
    • Presentation of an urban development focus topic in session 3
    • Seminar paper (3.000-3.500 words)

For the first two sessions groups are asked to read the relevant literature in preparation and answer a set of questions (750-1000 words each, to be handed in before the session).

In the third session student groups will present different thematic areas (based on their individual literature summary) and give an outlook on their seminar paper. In preparation for this session, both an individual literature summary (April 16) and the group presentation (April 23) are uploaded to TUWEL.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
16.02.2018 13:00 12.03.2018 23:59 16.03.2018 23:59

Registration modalities

Please make sure to come to the first session. If you are on the waiting list free spots may open up.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 240 Spatial Planning Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Dear students,


as both courses pertaining to this elective module (IDs 280.531 and 280.197) have received significantly more interest/registrations than in previous years, Prof. Giffinger and myself find it necessary to both inform you and ask you to do the following:

1) Please deregister in advance if you know you will not attend the course

2) Please read the course syllabi available in the download area carefully and consider whether you will be able to carry through with the workload

3) If you are still interested, definitely come to the first session of course 280.531 (even if you are only interested in the other): 16:00 - 18:00, 06.03.2018, Seminarraum SRF: 1090 Vienna, Augasse 2-6, 2nd floor, section C


We reserve the right to give preferential treatment to students who attend both courses (no first come - first serve!), potentially also according to study progress. The final decision will be made in class (on May 3rd, 4 pm @ Seminarraum SRF).


This is only a precautionary action; we hope that all interested will be able to participate.

We also thank you very much for your interest!


Kind regards,

Martha Ecker


  • Attendance Required!

