280.031 Crossborder Regionalisation
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2010W, VO, 1.5h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: VO Lecture

Aim of course

The lecture takes off from theoretical models of cross border regionalisation. Then EU instruments of supporting cross border cooperation are presented and finally a number of examples of such processes are being discussed.

Subject of course

Regional development in a greater Europe Possible structures of spatial development in Europe Theoretical models of regional development A concept for a more complex theory of regional development Regionalisation and the EU. Euregios and EGTS`s Case studies 1: Germany/Poland; USA/Mexico Case studies 2: Cross border cooperation in Austria Conclusions

Additional information

 Die Vorlesung ist Teil des Moduls 5 der Studienrichtung Raumplanung und Raumordnung und wird als Blocklehrveranstaltung abgehalten. Bitte Aushänge am Institut und Aktualisierungen auf der Webseite des Instituts beachten!



Course dates

Thu12:30 - 14:3011.11.2010Seminarraum 303 280.031 Crossborder Regionalisation Prof. Blaas
Tue09:00 - 11:0016.11.2010 - 16.11.2010EI 5 Hochenegg HS VO280.031
Thu12:30 - 14:3018.11.2010 - 18.11.2010GM 2 Radinger Hörsaal - TCH VO280.031
Tue09:00 - 11:0023.11.2010 - 23.11.2010Kontaktraum VO280.031
Thu12:30 - 14:3025.11.2010 - 25.11.2010Zeichensaal 7 VO280.031
Tue09:00 - 11:0030.11.2010 - 30.11.2010Kontaktraum VO280.031
Thu12:00 - 13:3002.12.2010 - 02.12.2010EI 4 Reithoffer HS VO280.031
Tue09:00 - 11:0007.12.2010Kontaktraum 280.031: Grenzüberschreitende Regionalentwicklung
Thu09:00 - 11:0009.12.2010Hörsaal 15 280.031 Crossborder Regionalisation Prof. Blaas

Course registration

Registration modalities



Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 440 Regional Planning and Development Mandatory elective


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