267.129 Local economic policy (project 2)
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2011S, UE, 1.0h, 2.5EC


  • Semester hours: 1.0
  • Credits: 2.5
  • Type: UE Exercise

Aim of course

1. Proficiency in the acquisition of information and in the analysis of problems on the subject 'Economics' of a local development concept. 2. Proficiency in creating an economic development model of a municipality. 3. Knowledge of those instruments of local economic policy which can be applied for an Austrian municipality. 4. Proficiency in developing a concept for local economic policy. 5. Proficiency in preparing a municipal fiscal analysis of the effects/outcome? of the local development concept.

Subject of course

1. Overview over the municipality. 2. Economic structural analysis of the municipality 2.1. Analysis of the local economy (economic structure, labour market situation, purchasing power flows). 2.2. Municipal budget (analysis, prognosis). 2.3. Administrative units relevant to economic policy (the municipality, province and theit funds, the Federal State and its funds, the EU). 2.4. Infrastructure project development in selected sectors (e.g. water and sewage, waste disposal, energy, transport,, telecommunication, social infrastructure, leisure time and recreational infrastructure). 3. Development of scenarios for the municipal economic development. 4. Development of strategic aims of the local economic policy. 5. Concept for the local economic policy (measures). 6. Concept for the implementation of measures. 7. Cost estimation and fiscal effects of the local development programme.

Additional information

Beitrag zu Projekt 2 G. Gutheil, W. Schönbäck, W. Blaas, J. Bröthaler, W. Richter



Course dates

Thu14:00 - 16:0003.03.2011Seminarraum 1/3 OPG 267.129: Einfühung SS
Thu14:00 - 16:0007.04.2011EI 5 Hochenegg HS 267.129: Prof. Blaas
Wed14:00 - 16:3004.05.2011Seminarraum 267 Beitrag zu Proj.2 (schwechat)
Thu14:00 - 16:3005.05.2011Seminarraum 267 Beitrag zu Proj.2(Krems)
Thu15:00 - 16:3012.05.2011HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH 267.129: Prof. Bröthaler
Thu13:30 - 16:3016.06.2011FH Hörsaal 4 267.129 Präsentation IFÖR
Wed13:00 - 16:0022.06.2011Seminarraum 1/3 OPG 267.129: Präsentation REGION

Examination modalities

Abgabe eines Übungsberichtes

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
01.02.2011 00:00

Registration modalities



Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 240 Regional Planning and Development Mandatory
630 Spatial Planning Mandatory5. Semester


Lecture notes for this course are available.


  • Attendance Required!

