264.241 COLORS MATTER III. Color concepts for educational spaces
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, UE, 2.0h, 2.5EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.5
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to consciously perceive and analyze color as an integral component of building structures, especially of learning environments.

Through inputs, research and example analyses, students have acquired knowledge about relevant parameters (e.g. color theories, color systems, color psychology, visual ergonomics, visual accessibility, etc.) for the design of color concepts.

They have a comprehensive understanding of the issues that can arise in the color design of educational spaces and are able to apply this knowledge and develop and argue thoughtful/comprehensive design concepts.

Subject of course

Within the framework of COLORS MATTER III, a color design for the sports middle school in Wendstattgasse will be further developed to implementation maturity on the basis of the color concepts developed in the course of the previous courses and implemented together with teachers and students.

Color design in educational buildings has an impact on motivation, learning and teaching success, and the well-being of students and teachers. Color and lighting concepts appropriate to the various uses and user groups are a fundamental component of successful learning atmospheres. Particularly in existing buildings, they also represent an inexpensive and at the same time highly effective possibility for demand-oriented optimization.

The course is part of the FFG-funded innovation laboratory 'Bib-Lab' of the Arbeitsraum Bildung of the Vienna University of Technology (www.bib-lab.at). In the course of the three-year research project, innovative design concepts for existing schools are being developed and implemented in the area of the Per-Albin-Hansson-Siedlung, in addition to participation and networking processes.

Presentation: https://tuwien.zoom.us/rec/play/VAikCSFs8upZ0n2o8TpgIM6Fcf9Nd2-Am0dxPKJafIHiwmxFABVMUVjLsPUoezYxEsIUB4QpzgjlhDuY.jVKCdmRI6LBdaKbU
Code: Bs9W81&%

Teaching methods

· Excursion (visit to sports middle school, conversations with users)
· Inputs
(color/color design, materials and processing), reflection and discussion (own experiences, theory, examples)
· Development of a color concept
ready for implementation (plans, perspectives, samples, models) / feedback
·  Joint implementation of a color concept in the sports middle school

Mode of examination


Additional information


TH 09.03.2023, 13:00-14:30 Kick-Off | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 16.03.2023, 13:00-15:00 Input Color I | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 23.03.2023, 13:00-15:00 Input Color II | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 30.03.2023, 13:00-15:00 Feedback I | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 20.04.2023, 13:00-15:00 Feedback II | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 27.04.2023, 13:00-15:00 Input Materials & Processing | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 04.05.2023, 13:00-15:00 Feedback III | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 11.05.2023, 13:00-15:00 Presentation Sportmittelschule | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 25.05.2023, 13:00-15:00 Feedback IV | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
TH 01.06.2023, 13:00-15:00 Implementation preparation | BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 Wien
MO-FR 12.-16.06.2023, 12:00-18:00 Implementation | Sportmittelschule, Wendstattgasse 5, 1100 Wien


  • Aichinger, Anja


Course dates

Thu13:00 - 14:3009.03.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienKick-Off
Thu13:00 - 15:0016.03.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienInput Color I
Thu13:00 - 15:0023.03.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienInput Color II
Thu13:00 - 15:0030.03.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienFeedback I
Thu13:00 - 15:0020.04.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienFeedback II
Thu13:00 - 15:0027.04.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienInput Materials & Processing
Thu13:00 - 15:0004.05.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienFeedback III
Thu13:00 - 15:0011.05.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienPresentation sports middle school
Thu13:00 - 15:0025.05.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienFeedback IV
Thu13:00 - 15:0001.06.2023 BiB-Lab Grätzl-Labor, Alma-Rosé-Gasse 2, 1100 WienImplementation preparation
Mon12:00 - 18:0012.06.2023 Sportmittelschule, Wendstattgasse 5, 1100 WienImplementation
Tue12:00 - 18:0013.06.2023 Sportmittelschule, Wendstattgasse 5, 1100 WienImplementation
Wed12:00 - 18:0014.06.2023 Sportmittelschule, Wendstattgasse 5, 1100 WienImplementation
Thu12:00 - 18:0015.06.2023 Sportmittelschule, Wendstattgasse 5, 1100 WienImplementation
Fri12:00 - 18:0016.06.2023 Sportmittelschule, Wendstattgasse 5, 1100 WienImplementation

Examination modalities

· General: attendance (!), commitment
· Color design: design, representation, implementation


TitleApplication beginApplication end
Entwerfen Stegreif (2,5 ECTS)13.02.2023 09:0020.02.2023 09:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

None required.

Preceding courses


