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264.196 Excursion Form and Design
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, EX, 2.0h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: EX Excursion
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to make a comparative observation about artefacts out of the fields of art or design. They should get an deeper understanding about the objects and there context.

Subject of course

Rich impulses and research at places of contemporary design and art production are intended to provide impetus for the development of independent objects within the framework of the Form * Design module.


Teaching methods

Visit to sites of contemporary art production, exhibition situations, material-oriented production sites and design offices. Analytical observation by the course instructor on site. Comparative analytical observation of artefacts and processes by the students.


Mode of examination


Additional information

Participation in the excursion is linked to the Modul Form*Design in SS 2023!

The excursion leads to Turin / Italy and takes place from 22 to 25 March 2023.

The arrival and departure is to be arranged individually (e.g. via Milan).

Cost estimate: approx. 300€ / participant, minus a possible contribution by the deanery.

The excursion to Turin will take place in the framework of the Modul Form*Desgin and a cooperation with the Weltmuseum Wien and will provide a diverse institutional as well as international input on the topics of exhibition design, display and mediation. The city offers a very broad museum landscape with diverse institutions, such as the Egyptian Collection, the Casa Mollino, the Archivio Ezio Gribaudo or the Castello di Rivoli. In addition, visits to Palazzo Lavoro, the Torino Esposizioni (both Pier Luigi Nervi), Palazzo Reale or the Cappella della Sacra Sindone (Camillo-Guarino Guarini) are planned.

Further information & registration during the introduction (kick-off) to the Modul Form*Design on 1.3.2023 in the modelling room!




Examination modalities

working report


Course registration

Registration modalities

When registering for the excursion Form and Design in the summer semester 2023, participants of the module "Form* Design" will be prioritised.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

