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264.144 aristic project
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2019W, UE, 4.0h, 5.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 5.0
  • Type: UE Exercise

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

Künstlerisches Projekt SCHULTORPARASITEN

  •     ... illustrate what it means to improvise situation-elastically in creative processes in order to realize an idea in a group,

  • ... describe how art, as a strategy of visualization and irritation, opens up spaces for communication and design.

After completion of the artistic spatial 1:1 implementation...

  • ...  atypical building materials and spatial relationships will have been experimented with in order to bridge thresholds and barriers or to make it possible to experience them with the near senses.

  • … photos and sketches of a work of art or an artistic intervention before, over or under school gates in the Bildungsgrätzl Ebner-Inklusiv-Eschenbach have been produced (and might be included in the students’ portfolios).

  • ... students will be able to tell at least one funny and one irritating story about the setting-up of artistic-architectural designs in the dense urban space and have used creative playful work with space as a form of communication.

  • ... participants will be able to identify the dimensions of the social, architectural and socio-structural significance of entrances to different schools.

  • ... students will stand together with pupils before the holistic sustainable artistic 1:1 implementation in the school entrance area in Währing.

  • ... students will be able to present children and young people as users* of urban space and potential ‘Bauherren’ and experts for educational spaces,

  • ... students will be able to describe the experience worlds of pupils in front of and behind school gates of Bildungsgrätzl Ebner-Inklusiv-Eschenbach.

  • ... it will be possible to contrast different ways of using architecture in their differentiation and their embedding in the living world.

  • ... it will be possible to describe the success factors of cooperation with other students.


Subject of course

Künstlerisches Projekt SCHULTORPARASITEN 

In the LVA Schultorparasiten we will use spatial impulses - artistic-architectural interventions, small changes, playful alienations - around the school gate to make this area somewhat fairer, more sustainable and healthier.

We see the school gate and the educational landscape before and behind it as an indicator for the ethical, pragmatic, philosophical content and nature of our society. Everyday life, everyday objects and everyday spaces give form to actions and spaces of experience in a mostly subtle way. Especially the ordinary is often invisible to us. Here, art and artistic design processes can function as a strategy of visualizing different worlds of experience and of testing posibilities. With this approach of speculative exaggeration, we want to develop and expose ‘Schultorparasiten’ based on the everyday experiences of pupils of different schools in the Bildungsgrätzl Ebner-Inklusiv-Eschenbach.

The first third of the LVA is dedicated to getting to know the Bildungsgrätzl as well as the life and experience worlds of various pupils. In the second third, a competition will be held in which pupils inside act as ‘Bauherr’. In the third part, a project will be realized in a 1:1 conversion.

These are the questions that concern us:

  •  Where do the pupils and teachers come from in the morning? How do they arrive? What is the difference between inside and outside? To what extent is the school gate area a social meeting place and living space in the city? It is important to understand educational spaces from the perspective of children and adolescents and also to keep an eye on social diversity, such as socio-economic differences and different physical conditions, and to sharpen our awareness of them.

  • Which established ways, new possibilities and creative processes can use to react to ecological problems in the school environment, the decline in biodiversity, the massive consumption of resources? - We work with the "viable design principles for sustainable lifestyles" of permaculture. It is a question of recognising our responsibility, then acting to change long-term behaviour patterns.

  • We are interested in a sensual, movement oriented, forward-looking education. We enable children and young people to work in their environment and to react positively to today's crises and to find solutions by taking them seriously as ‘Bauherren’.

  • School gates have their place in the action spaces and everyday structures of children and young people. ‘Schultorparasiten’ demonstrate this by extrapolating these experiences.



About School Gates and Bildungsgränzel

In the organization of education and city, different actors are responsible for schools, often with almost impermeable borders. This can be seen, for example, in the school gate, where responsibilities change, or in the everyday barriers to the practice of school concepts, be they structural, pedagogical or administrative in nature. School gates are architectural manifestations of these thresholds and also symbols of access and exclusion, for indoors and outdoors.

The Bildungsgrätzl Ebner-Inklusiv-Eschenbach in Währing has a particularly large number of school gates. Around 2000 children and young people go to school here. Since 2018, seven schools have been networked with three kindergartens and two associations in Bildungsgrätzl Ebner-Inklusiv-Eschenbach. With the idea of the Bildungsgrätzl, Vienna has created an administrative framework for bottom-up processes of networking and cooperation (although the resources for this must essentially come from the network itself). The aim of this development of communal educational landscapes is the networking of educational spaces and institutions in order to make educational work open and inclusive in relation to urban districts and to lower the effectiveness of barriers.



*The LVA finds is a cooperation with schools from the Bildungsgrätzl Ebner-Inklusiv-Eschenbach. This requires some flexibility on our part with regard to the timing, as there may be delays, especially at the beginning of the semester.

Tue 22.10. 2019          9-11 am         Kick-Off                                   SR

Tue   5.11. 2019          9-11 am         Target area and methods        SR     

Tue 12.11. 2019          9-11 am          Inspection target area             SR

Tue 19.11. 2019          9-11 am          ‘Bauherr’ meeting                    SR

Tue 26.11. 2019          9 am-1 pm      ‘Bauherr’ internal meeting       Bildungsgrätzl


Tue   3.12. 2019          9-11 am           Correction date                       SR

Tue 10.12. 2019          9-11 am           Correction date                       SR

Fr   13.12. 2019          9-13 h              Submission Concept Sketch

Tue    7.1. 2020           9-11 a.m.         Projekt Selection & Realisation Strategy        SR

Tue  14.1. 2020           9-11 a.m.         Planning Implementation        SR

Tue  21.1. 2020           9-11 a.m.         Planning Implementation        SR

Mon 27.1. 2020           Full day           Workshop                                Bildungsgrätzl

Tue  28.1. 2020           Full day           Correction date                        Bildungsgrätzl 

Wed 29.1. 2020           Full day           Workshop                                Bildungsgrätzl           

Thu  30.1. 2020                                   Presentation                            Bildungsgrätzl



SR - Seminar room 8

Teaching methods

Project work: pair and group work, teaching inputs, presentations and teaching conversations

Mode of examination


Additional information


We work with students from different schools and also with different physical and cognitive requirements. The willingness to engage with different people in an appreciative way is therefore a prerequisite.



Course dates

Tue09:00 - 11:0022.10.2019 - 28.01.2020Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue09:00 - 13:0026.11.2019 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue09:00 - 13:0017.12.2019 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Mon09:00 - 16:0027.01.2020 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue09:00 - 16:0028.01.2020 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Wed09:00 - 16:0029.01.2020 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
aristic project - Single appointments
Tue22.10.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue05.11.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue12.11.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue19.11.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue26.11.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue26.11.201909:00 - 13:00 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue03.12.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue10.12.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue17.12.201909:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue17.12.201909:00 - 13:00 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue07.01.202009:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue21.01.202009:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Mon27.01.202009:00 - 16:00 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue28.01.202009:00 - 11:00Seminarraum 8 264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Tue28.01.202009:00 - 16:00 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt
Wed29.01.202009:00 - 16:00 Bildungsgrätzl264.144: Künstlerisches Projekt

Examination modalities

  • Cooperation and attendance
  • Creation of an artistic-architectural design within the framework of the contract formulation of pupils and the LVA management
  • Presentation of the design to the ‘Bauherr’ consortium of pupils and actors in the Bildungsgrätzl
  • Participation in the 1:1 implementation of the selected design


TitleApplication beginApplication end
Künstlerische Projekte WS1916.09.2019 09:0030.09.2019 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Interest in art, science, education and architecture as a non-verbal form of communication; prior knowledge of contemporary art and experimental architecture is desirable.


  • Attendance Required!

