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260.834 Linearity & Patchwork: Settlement Structures in Vienna's South
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, SE, 3.5h, 5.0EC


  • Semester hours: 3.5
  • Credits: 5.0
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to write scientifically sound texts independently, to conduct the appropriate research and to adequately present the findings both in writing and graphically.

Subject of course

Historic linear settlements (Straßen- and Angerdörfer) and the surrounding cultural landscape form the starting point for the development of the south of Vienna, which stretches in a wide arch between the Wienfluss and the Danube, into an urban landscape. Today, the area is characterised by a wide variety of structures: large-volume residential buildings, perimeter block development, allotment gardens, villa districts as well as commercial and industrial areas form a patchwork together with remaining historical village structures.

In this seminar, the changes in the linear settlement structures of Ober St. Veit, Speising, Inzersdorf, Oberlaa, Simmering etc. and the surrounding cultural and urban landscape will be analysed together. One focus will be the interrelations between the societal and political circumstances and the spatial transformation processes leading up to the “patchwork city” of the present: The emergence and development of settlement cores and ribbons and the corresponding traffic and open space networks will be explored. Historical and contemporary literature, images and maps serve as a basis for this as well as personal on-site explorations. The findings will be presented in a seminar paper both in writing and in a series of maps.

In addition to the cooperation with the research project mentioned below, the design studio is also held in connection with the Linear Circularity (the two courses can be attended independently!). The kick-off and final symposium will be held together with the design course, and there will also be opportunities for exchange between the courses throughout the semester in the form of presentations of interim results and additional specialist input

Kickoff Seminar 08th Oktober 2024, 9-14 h

This course is designed in cooperation with the "Driving Urban Transitions" research project EMC2 - The Evolutive Meshed Compact City. A pragmatic transition pathway to the 15-minute City for European metropolitan peripheries. https://emc2-dut.org/

Teaching methods

Introduction to the basics of scientific research (methodology, scientific writing, citing, publishing,…)

Introduction to analogue and digital research methods for literature and maps in libraries, archives and digital databases.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Scheduled Field Trips:

Cooperative Kick-Off 08.10. 2024
together with the design studio Linear Circularity

Guided tour National Library ...
Modern Library, State Hall (fee required, registration necessary)
Meeting place: ÖNB, Heldenplatz foyer Neue Burg, 13:45 (please be in time!) entry fee for each €15 in cash

Guided Tour Bibliothek TU Wien ... in the course of the weekly hours
Library  and introduction to the online catalogue

Final Symposium ...
together with the design studio Linear Circularity

Additional Inputs from Experts on specific Topics (Traffic Planning, 15 Minute City,...) in the course of the semester

Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Examination modalities

Active participation in the seminar (compulsory attendance!)
Presentation of the preliminary research results in the workshops together with the design studio Linear Circularity
Writing a seminar paper
A positive evaluation of each of these three tasks is compulsory.

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified6. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Written and spoken German at university level

