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260.671 Informal Urban Developement
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022W, VU, 2.0h, 2.5EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.5
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to identify the causes and framework conditions of informal urban development processes. They have the competence to explain complex actor structures and interests in informal urban development processes. The students are also able to explain differences to formally planned urban development processes.

Subject of course

Thematic focus 2022-23:
"The bottom-up city: interpretations, processes, actors."


Arrival City, Slums, Favelas, Bottom-up development, Mega Cities, Informal Economy 

The central topics of the course are informal urbanisation processes, especially in the so-called "countries of the global south" or "developing countries" as they used to be called. The dynamics of these processes are in obvious contrast to the claim to influence urban development through centralised planning and development control. Urban growth continues unabated, urban development takes place - planned, unplanned or planned in "other-", for example informal ways.

The speed of the globalisation phenomenon and its consequences reinforce the polarisation between controlled and uncontrolled processes, but at the same time also create potential for change, such as the breaking down of the demarcation between the formerly so-called "First" and "Third World". The change from a rural to an urban society, aspects of (internal) migration, the emergence of an informal sector and the resulting urban planning consequences up to the formation of mega-cities and informal settlement neighbourhoods created through bottom-up planning processes are under discussion. The geographic focus is the Latin American region.


The course will be held in blocks and in presence.
- 6 lecture dates, each followed by an interactive block as teamwork. (Attendance is required)
- The exercise part titled "Immersion into the Informality" deals with current issues of global informal urban development and its potentials for steering processes in planning. This serves as a credit for the course.


Programm und Timing 

jeweils Montag 10.00 bis 12.30 Uhr im Projektraum 5 / Städtebau, 4. Stock, Stg 6


Mo 10. Okt. 2022

• VO Interpretationen und Porträts der informellen Stadtentwicklung (VO)

Portraits der informellen Siedlungen • Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro; • Asentamiento Humano Alex Rafael Chacón, Lima; • Villa 31, Buenos Aires sowie

Kurzfilme: Promoting the Informal 

• Teamwork interaktiv


Mo 17. Okt. 

• VO Zwischen Planung und spontanem Wachstum (VO)

Rahmenbedingungen für die (informelle) Stadtentwicklung im globalen Kontext.

• Teamwork interaktiv







Mo 7. Nov.  2022

• Die Phänomenologie der informellen Stadtentwicklung (VO)

Kurzgeschichte(n) aus Forschung und Projektpraxis.

• Teamwork interaktiv


Mo 14. Nov. 

•  Marginalquartier, Slum, Invasionsbezirk, Favela (VO)

Nutzungsmuster und Entwicklungsperspektiven zum Lebensraum der Informellen Stadt.

• Einführung in den Übungsteil: „Immersion into the Informality“ (Teamwork)


Mo 21. Nov. 

• Villa El Salvador, Lima. Von der Landbesetzung zum Stadtquartier (Film)

Dokumentarfilm: Villa El Salvador: A desert dream, Adobe Productions, 1989

• Teamwork interaktiv


Mo 28. Nov. 

• VO Informelle Ökonomie im urbanen Raum: Der öffentliche Raum als Arbeitsplatz.(VO)

• Teamwork interaktiv


Mo 5. Dez.  

Konzeptpresentation Übungsteil: „Immersion into the Informality“ (Teamwork)


Mo 12. Dez.  

Individueller Besprechungstermin „Immersion into the Informality“



Mo 19. Dez. 2022  

Schlusspräsentation: „Immersion into the Informality“

Abschluss der Lehrveranstaltung



Teaching methods

- Discussion of case studies and good-practice examples through presentations and subsequent group work during lectures
- Specific literature recommendations for reading the individual case studies


The course is held in blocks a
- 6 lecture dates, each followed by an interactive block as teamwork.
(Attendance is required )
- The exercise part entitled deals with current issues of global informal urban development and its potentials for steering processes in planning. This serves as a credit for the course.


Mode of examination




Course dates

Mon10:00 - 13:0010.10.2022 - 12.12.2022Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon13:00 - 14:0010.10.2022Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Extension Kick-off am 10. Oktober
Informal Urban Developement - Single appointments
Mon10.10.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon10.10.202213:00 - 14:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Extension Kick-off am 10. Oktober
Mon17.10.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon24.10.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon07.11.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon14.11.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon21.11.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon28.11.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon05.12.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Mon12.12.202210:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Weekly Feedback
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

see "Organization"

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
29.08.2022 23:59 07.10.2022 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Continuative courses

