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260.635 Focus: Urban and regional development from global to local context: Mapping Analysis and Urban Design Strategies to support Urban Resilience in regional and local context
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2021S, VU, 1.5h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to develop a sophisticated mapping analysis and urban design strategy for the promotion of urban resilience on regional, intermediate and local context. Moreover, using mapping analysis students are able to name spatial challenges and develop solutions for resilient future development in the territory. Students of this course will be able to link the developed spatial strategy with existing planning instruments and policy documents in order to reflect on what kind of challenges to overcome in order to foster resilient future development for the territory. Students are able to develop a map that reflects the developed urban design strategy and are able to present the design to the audience.

Subject of course

The lectures and exercises are dedicated to the question on how to increase urban resilience for the future-oriented design of settlement structures and landscapes by working on a selected test pad area in the peri-urban context of Vienna. The aim of the course is to explain and apply tools and methods for spatial analysis (urban design research) and their intersection with planning instruments and strategic planning documents.

First, a key-note lecture (Prof. Vincent Nadin, UK/NL) will elaborate on resilience in urban planning and how the interplay between design analysis and urban planning contribute to resilient urban development. In a second key-input lecture, consisting of two parts, the method and tools for the design analysis and territorial reading will be presented (Andrea Überbacher, AUT/NL).

During a workshop the students will first analyze the territory and develop an Urban Design Strategy for the selected test area in the peri-urban context of Vienna. Through the analysis, necessary indicators for increasing resilience will be collected. Based on the analysis, an "Urban Design Strategy" for the small-regional context with local zoom-in area will be developed. In the interplay between analysis, urban design and planning instruments, a reflection will bring forward how the Urban Design Strategy generates added value for existing planning instruments and planning strategies. In this course students are invited to approach the topic of urban resilience from the perspective of sustainable urban design research.

Following lectures you may combine for one or two conceptual moduls (each 6 ECTS): 
280.532 VO Focus-Lecture: Energy, Mobility, Environment: Resilience – understanding, strategies, projects (2.0 h, 4.0 ECTS)
260.635 VU Fokus: Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung im lokalen bis globalen Kontext: Mapping Analysis and Urban Design Strategies to support Urban Resilience in regional and local context (1.5 h, 3.0 ECTS)
280.201 SE Trends in urban Development: Resilience (1.5 h, 3.0 ECTS)
280.753 UE Fokus: Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung im lokalen bis globalen Kontext: Klimaschutz in der räumlichen Entwicklungsplanung  (1.5 h, 3.0 ECTS)

Teaching methods

Key-input lectures followed by a workshop.

Mode of examination




Course dates

Wed11:00 - 12:0010.03.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Informationstermin
Mon09:00 - 18:0031.05.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Kick-off
Mon10:00 - 11:3031.05.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Key-lecture international guest Vincent Nadin/UK
Tue09:00 - 18:0001.06.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Workshop and Input Lecture
Wed09:00 - 18:0002.06.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Workshop and Input Lecture
Fri09:00 - 18:0004.06.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Workshop, presentations and conclusion
Wed10:00 - 13:0009.06.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Intermediate presentation with guest
Wed10:00 - 11:3016.06.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)Last Feedback Opportunity
Thu00:00 - 18:0017.06.2021 (LIVE)Final Submission in TUWEL
Fri00:00 - 00:0018.06.2021 Online (ZOOM) (LIVE)End presentation

Examination modalities

The students will work out in groups:

  • Holistic mapping analysis, definition and mapping of indicators to foster resilient urban development
  • Development of urban design strategy for a particular area in peri-urban condition of Vienna
  • Cross-relation between urban design strategy and planning instruments and strategic documents
  • Reflection on how the urban design strategy contribute to resilient urban development and urban planning

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
15.02.2021 09:00 07.03.2021 09:00 12.03.2021 23:59

Registration modalities

Registration from 15.02.2021 to 07.03.2021 via e-mail to andrea.ueberbacher@tuwien.ac.at

Please explain briefly via e-mail if you can work with different programs (Illustrator, Photoshop or AFFINITY, Autocad etc.). If possible, please attach an example of a plan on a small regional, regional or local scale (PDF maximum 12 MB). The number of students is limited to 18 and will be ranked based on receipt of registration email.

Application is currently locked manually.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 440 Spatial Planning Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

