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260.588 Urban Density Lab Lviv 2020
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2020S, UE, 8.0h, 10.0EC


  • Semester hours: 8.0
  • Credits: 10.0
  • Type: UE Exercise

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to work on complex design tasks of urban transformation independently, systematically and with an original, contemporary design approach in a precise design language.
They have the competence to recognise fields of action in an urban context, to develop appropriate urban planning solutions and to comprehensively present them in the form of strategy, draft and detailed plans.

Subject of course


The continuous transformation process of the European city is increasingly influenced by framework conditions such as scarcity of resources, climate change and population mobility.
Sustainable urban development attempts to intelligently link the fields of action of urban expansion and urban renewal. In the city of Lviv, there is currently a large potential of well developed brownfield sites whose transformation can be described as an urgent need for action.
"urbanRESET" becomes a strategy for the creation of sustainable urban quarters, whereby
the following site-specific characteristics should be discussed:
- a future-oriented examination of the architectural heritage of Lviv;
- the formulation of innovative development goals under the current aspect of a medium-term
continuing construction boom in Lviv;
- the creative use of multifaceted site-related resources to create
robust urban habitats.


Lviv is a lively, multicultural city with a population of about 730,000. The urban history of what is today the most important city in western Ukraine is closely intertwined with that of Vienna: until 1914
Lviv was the capital of the k.k. province of Galicia and thus the border metropolis of the monarchy, until just before the end of the 20th century it was part of the Soviet Union. After the independence of the Ukraine in 1991, Lviv increasingly assumed its role as an important hub between East and West due to its close proximity to the borders of Poland, Hungary and Slovakia and thus to the Schengen area. Although the medieval city center of Lviv, which has been under UNESCO protection since 1998, is a major attraction, sustainable urban development potential can be found primarily in locations of the 19th century period and increasingly also in those quarters of post-war modernism. The increasing development pressure due to the building boom raises urgent questions about concepts for a future-oriented and sustainable urban development at these locations !


The requirements for the Urban Density Lab Lviv 2020 include two urban development areas with different characteristics. Participants in the design process will develop an urban development project for either of the two locations:

- Persenkivka hub
The area covers about 6 ha and is part of a former bus factory, where trolley buses for the entire Soviet Union were produced from 1945 onwards. The area is conveniently located at the Persenkivka regional railway station in a suburban zone south of Strysky Park. Due to the good connections to both the city centre and the airport, the location is ideal for the development of a new city quarter. Thematic approach: "The Productive City".

- Zhovkivska Creative Factory
This small-scale industrial areal dates from the 1920s and is still partly used for the production of medical equipment. The area is about 5 hectares in size, is located in the northern district of Pidzamtsche and is currently already the focus of the so-called creative industries. The location scores with its immediate proximity to the city centre and can optimally combine living, working and recreation thanks to its generous open spaces.

Teaching methods


Within the framework of an intensive preparation period (March 2020) we will conduct analytical discussions on current urban development challenges of such urban transformation projects. A 9-day project workshop in Lviv (March 27 - April 4, 2020) will serve to interpret the locations, formulate specific project goals and develop initial design concepts. In the subsequent design phase in Vienna (April - June 2020), the focus will be on a process-based elaboration of urban development projects at the interface between urban development, open space planning and architecture.
Teamwork is an essential part of our working methodology!

The Urban Density Lab Lemberg 2020 is organized within the framework of the academic cooperation between the Vienna University of Technology and Lviv Polytechnic National University. Further cooperation partners for this project are: the University of Cottbus-Senftenberg and the
City Planning Office of Lviv. Students and teachers of the above mentioned universities will cooperate in this project.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Participants: 15-20 students of architecture at the TU Vienna (application with portfolio possible)

(15 students Lviv Polytechnic, 12 students Cottbus)


Working Language -

at the TU Vienna: German (and English)

 during the workshop in Lviv: English

Costs for excurion and workshop in Lviv

Due to the financial support of the academic cooperation by the Austrian federal
ministry of education, science and research the estimated total costs of the excursion to Lviv for students of the TU Vienna will be max. € 180 per participant !


Other information
- Participation in the excursion and workshop in Lviv is a prerequisite for participation
in design (Bachelor and Master)
- In the Summerterms 2019, 2018 and 2017 already took place designs with analogous conception,
but with different design objectives under the title "Urban Density Lab Lviv".
Selected results are available at www.vienna-lviv.info.



Course dates

Tue09:00 - 13:0003.03.2020Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Urban Density Lab - Introduction
Tue09:00 - 13:0010.03.2020Projektraum 13 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Urban Density Lab
09:00 - 18:0027.03.2020 - 04.04.2020 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Urban Density Lab Lviv 2020 - Single appointments
Tue03.03.202009:00 - 13:00Projektraum STB - 5/260 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Urban Density Lab - Introduction
Tue10.03.202009:00 - 13:00Projektraum 13 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Urban Density Lab
Fri27.03.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Sat28.03.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Sun29.03.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Mon30.03.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Tue31.03.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Wed01.04.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Thu02.04.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Fri03.04.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion
Sat04.04.202009:00 - 18:00 Lviv, UkraineUrban Density Lab - Exkursion

Examination modalities


Kick-off event: Tue 3 March 2020 - 9.00 am Project Room 5
- Compact project preparation in March, Tue and Fri in the morning
- Excursion to Lviv with project workshop on site: 27 March. - April 4th
- Design and elaboration phase until June 2020
- mutual exchange of project results afterwards


TitleApplication beginApplication end
Bachelor Entwerfen 2020S17.02.2020 09:0024.02.2020 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified6. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Participation requirements for students of the TU Vienna

- positive completion of the studio Städtebau

- Ability to work in a team and willingness to actively participate in a work process in the

context of international cooperation

- Interest in the creative and sustainable development of the European City

Accompanying courses


