After successful completion of the course, students are able to simulate load bearing structures. Starting point ´ll be –after an introduction to Grasshopper - the simulation of fundamentals, like mass, acceleration and forces.
The analysis will include cable-, vault-, tensegrity- and bending structures in 2D as well as in 3D. So it´s possible to perceive, evaluate and optimize building-structures within given design-parameters.
Necessary equipment: Laptop with Rhino, further Grasshopper, Kangaroo2 and other Grasshopperaplications.
There are several videos and documents. The process will be such that videos / documents on topics will be put online. Afterwards, exercises are put online. The tasks have to be processed and all tasks have to be uploaded (28.09.2024) at once in a timely manner. Every 4 weeks there is an online consultation hour for questions.
Solid basic knowledge of Rhino and Grasshopper