After successful completion of the course, students are able to critically review science and (in contrast to science) other methods of gaining "truth".
+++Lecture in english language+++
This course aims to encourage general critical reflections regarding the role of science and the scientific method in generation of knowledge. The central objective thereby is to discuss the relative standing of science amongst other expressions of human quest for understanding and interpreting the natural world and the human condition.
This course addresses the quintessence of the scientific worldview in the context of other traditions and institutions invested in understanding and interpreting the world. An introductory treatment of science will be followed by a number of sessions, whereby internet-based ressources (videos of public presentations and/or discussions) will be collectively viewed and subsequently discussed. These videos relate to traditions and institutions in the areas of arts, philosophy, religion, politics, and ethics. The focus will be on the "how" and "why" questions, their meaning as relevant to the natural world and social settings, and if and to which extent they can be answered by science alone.
SCHEDULE FOR Summerterm 2023
Course is fully conducted in TUWEL. Task is provided by End of August 2023, Task has be fulfilled until 28th of September 2023.
Contact: (Subject: Number of lecture & issue)
E-Mails to other adresses can and will not be processed.
If the application does not work, you can send an registration request to
Interest on the discussed issues.
This course may not be appropriate for colleagues who are not interested in general conceptional reflections regarding science and culture. Thus, such colleagues may want to consider taking a different course.