259.337 Technics and Civilisation
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2015W, VO, 2.0h, 2.5EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.5
  • Type: VO Lecture

Aim of course


Smart Public Space, Big Data and the future of cities (main focus WS 2015/16) 

Contemporary debate on the future of cities hovers around the buzzword of the smart city. The city of Vienna also reinvented itself as a smart city in the year 2013. 

What is the term smartness supposed to communicate?
What is a smart public space anyway?
Which groups pursue which interests in the debate? 
What is the influence of big data on architecture and urban issues? 
What kind of data would be needed with architecture and urban issues? 
What's up with the claimed artificial intelligence of smart technologies? 
Smartness seems to be an topic of technology only. But what are the social and cultural implications?


General Objectives

Basic to any development of architecture is its relation to techniques, technologies, media and society. The lecture course is devoted to the understanding and the discussion of those very relations as well as the cultural backgrounds and goals. Students get the opportunity to develop individual approaches for their conceptions, designs, and mediation of architecture.

Subject of course

Architecture today is challenged to deliver concepts for a build lifeworld made from elements that control themselves as if they where alive. Self controlling technologies pervade any object of everyday use and the spaces of private and public life as well as sociocultural structures.

There are no historical references for that situation. Western culture is characterized by classical categories that claim dualistic differences between animate and inanimate, made and grown, subjective and objective, objects and people. Now the inherent mix of formerly strictly diverted categories provokes a host of questions. Specially for conception and design in architecture questions arise about what should act by itself and what has to stay open to human interference.

Additional information

7.10 11h Introduction


9.12 prüfung A 
16.12 prüfung B

Place: Seminar room Architekturtheorie.




Course dates

Wed14:00 - 15:3014.10.2015 - 09.12.2015 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation
Wed14:00 - 15:3018.11.2015 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technik und Zivilisation
Technics and Civilisation - Single appointments
Wed14.10.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation
Wed21.10.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation
Wed28.10.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation
Wed04.11.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation
Wed18.11.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technik und Zivilisation
Wed25.11.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation
Wed02.12.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation
Wed09.12.201514:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie259.337 Technics and Civilisation

Examination modalities

Lecture, Discussion, Interaction with Tutors, Exam.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
02.10.2015 10:00 21.10.2015 10:00 28.10.2015 22:00

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Modul01.10.2015 08:0029.10.2015 08:00
field trips in public space01.10.2015 08:0029.10.2015 08:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified




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