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259.268 Lecture Series Methodology of Architectural Research
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2020S, VO, 1.0h, 1.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.0
  • Credits: 1.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • LectureTube course
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

… to name the differences between research in general and scientific research and to apply it in their work.
… to express principles, values and fundamental aspects of research methods.
…  Students have background knowledge to decide in which field of architecture they write their elective seminar.
After completing the course, students of architecture have understood the basics of the concept of scientific research, research methods and scientific work in architecture.
After having successfully completed the course, students have understood the basics of scientific work and are subsequently able to write their first academic work in their studies, the elective seminar, to complete their bachelor's degree, at one of the faculties of the Faculty of Architecture with professional support.

Subject of course

After  a general introduction to the theme, this lecture series presents different examples of academic research done at our faculty of Architecture. Students will be introduced to a number of different approaches to scholarly research  and writing.

a) Introduction:

Theory of science

Methods in scientific research 

Writing a scientific paper: orientation within a discourse, developing a research topic, building a research question, developing a structure for the paper, working with references, quoting, and library research. 

Held by Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics (Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie).


b) Lectures on research projects at our faculty (60 min lecture + 15 min discussion):

Each lecture represents a certain field of research with its own methods, values and agendas, including case studies and research projects. Held by: 

Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics (Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie)

Preservation (Denkmalpflege und Bauen im Bestand) 

Load bearing Structures, Material Science (Tragwerksplanung und Ingenieurholzbau)

Building Theory (Gebäudelehre und Entwerfen)

Building Physics (Bauphysik) 

Art History (Kunstgeschichte)

City planning and design (Städtebau)

Sociology (Soziologie)

Teaching methods

Lecture units

Mode of examination


Additional information

Changes in the organsiation of the LVA due to the corona pandemic (as of 20.3.2020): The lecture series Methodology will be available as video recording and slides at the dates listed in the calendar. You can retrieve these recordings together with the corresponding slides already at the beginning of the respective lecture unit in the Tuwel.

This lecture is organized by the ATTP department. For organizational questions please contact Oliver Schürer, for questions about the exam please contact exams@attp.tuwien.ac.at.

E-learning resources:

Many lecture powerpoints will be provided via TUWEL.

Many lectures will be recorded on video an offered via TU lecture tube. 


Declaration in the event of changes to the way the course is held:
If, due to the requirements of the Federal Government or the Vienna University of Technology, it is not possible to hold the course and the examination or the partial performances in presence, the online format will be used. Due to the change to the online format, the dates announced for the face-to-face course and examination (partial performances) may change. The following methods and modes apply when changing to the online format:

Method when changing to the online format:
Lecture delivered online, with units of live discussion and prepared videos via Tuwel.

Examination mode when switching to online format:
Delivery of the examination in writing online, using Tuwel's single-choice examination facilities. There will be one main examination date at the end of the semester and three supplementary dates during the following semester.
Assessment scheme for the online examination:
The evaluation of the single-choice tests.
Technical equipment required for participation in the course and examination:
Derived from the currently valid rules of the Vienna University of Technology for online examinations.

You need to register for the lecture in TISS in order to get access to this e-learning resources on TUWEL.


A reader to the lecture is available: 

It offers additional material to the lecture and focuses on students with deeper interest in the lectures subjects. Hence it does in no way replace participation in the lectures. Available at the department ATTP.



Course dates

Fri14:00 - 16:0006.03.2020HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH 259.268: Ringvorlesung Methodologie der Architekturforschung

Examination modalities

Written exam at the end of the semester

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
31.01.2020 00:00 13.06.2020 23:55


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


A reader can be purchased at the department during front office opening hours.


Recommended Reading

Chalmers AF. 2007. Wege der Wissenschaft: Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie. 6., verb. Aufl. ed. Berlin u.a.: Springer.

Eco, Umberto. (1993). Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeit schreibt : Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (6., durchges. Aufl. der dt. Ausg. ed., Uni-Taschenbücher 1512 : Interdisziplinär). Heidelberg: Müller.

Karmasin M, Ribing R. 2008. Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten: ein Leitfaden für Seminararbeiten, Bachelor-, Master- und Magisterarbeiten, Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen. 3., aktualisierte Aufl. ed. Wien: Facultas.WUV. (Utb; 2774 : Arbeitshilfen).

Lucas R. 2016. Research methods for architecture. London: Laurence King Publishing.

Snow CP. 1993. The two cultures. Canto ed. London ; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Wang D, Groat LN. 2013. Architectural research methods / David Wang, Linda N. Groat. Second Edition ed. Hoboken: Wiley.


