253.K47 Design Studio Radikale Symbiose I - Zwischenland
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, UE, 12.0h, 15.0EC


  • Semester hours: 12.0
  • Credits: 15.0
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...After successful completion of the course, students are able to...After successful completion of the course, students are able to...After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

Subject of course


Oggau, municipality in northern Burgenland

“The connections between modern and vernacular architecture are comparable to those between modern and vernacular music… In both architecture and music, form, rhythm, proportion and mathematics are of fundamental importance, suggesting the possibility of comparable study methods.”
Steven Holl, Pamphlet Architecture No.9, New York, December 1982

This design task is about EXTENSIONS, which represent a house extension to include a work area. The aim is the sensitive and complex location in a generic rural structure.

The residential buildings in Burgenland, in an INTERMEDIATE LAND on the way from Vienna towards the Pannonian Plain, with their typological variations reflect the entire complexity of the influences that converge there. The vernacular architectural tradition shows us a whole treasure trove of cultural, sociological and religious influences that shaped our cultural identity. Over a long period of time, it exerted an influence on both Central European housing models and on living culture in the past centuries. Anonymous examples with their high artistic and architectural quality serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the many ecological issues of today. Their massive construction characterizes the familiar framework of a traditional city.

By definition, such building structures include those in which there is no separation between load-bearing and space-enclosing functions. Their construction method translates the structural-constructive aspects of the buildings into a natural aesthetic. However, the material not only creates a tactile and sensual effect on the user, but also takes advantage of the material's energy storage ability in the sense of comfort as well as energy efficiency.

During the semester we pursue three synchronous tasks:
1. Constructive aspects and space: The reference to constructive-spatial aspects requires knowledge of the past and a precise structural and material analysis of rural house typologies. To examine an architectural work means to understand and apply its essence. The synchronous use of the knowledge and topics gained should form the applied methodology through the combination of materials and practices, sometimes with a high proportion of craftsmanship.

2. The design is a radical symbiosis between the new and old parts: The design then includes a complex examination of content, form, material and construction.
The exercise will be dedicated to the emergence of a new material culture of the future - a hard, involved and complex activity.

3. The targeted location in the Burgenland town of Oggau is an invitation to dialogue with the existing building but a symbiosis without narrowness. We want to create living structures that do not function as structures for city expansion, but rather serve to enhance quality coexistence away from urban metropolises.

Teaching methods

Der Einstieg in das Entwerfen erfolgt über eine verpflichtende Exkursion von 12.10. – 14.10. nach Burgenland und Steyr. Der EXK-Beitrag beträgt € ca.300, und beinhaltet Kosten für die Rundreise per Bus, Unterkunft inkl. Frühstück, Vorträge und Führungen. Die Teilnahme ist erst nach Überweisung dieses Betrages gesichert. (Sie erhalten diesbezüglich eine Rechnung per Mail.)  Nicht enthalten sind etwaige Eintrittsgelder, Kosten für Mittag- und Abendessen sowie persönlichen Ausgaben  Bitte bringen Sie einen gewissen Betrag an Bargeld mit.

Mit der Teilnahme erhalten die Studierenden ein Zeugnis für die Exkursion (2 ECTS) 253.K53

Anmeldungen per Portfolio über TISS

Mode of examination


Additional information

The introduction to design takes place via a mandatory excursion from October 12th. – 14.10. to Burgenland and Steyr. The EXK contribution is approximately €300 and includes costs for the tour by bus, accommodation including breakfast, lectures and guided tours. Participation is only secured after this amount has been transferred. (You will receive an invoice for this by email.) Entrance fees, lunch and dinner costs and personal expenses are not included. Please bring a certain amount of cash with you. By participating, students receive a certificate for the excursion (2 ECTS) 253.K53

Registrations via portfolio via TISS


Bundesdenkmalamt (Hg.), Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs. Dehio Burgenland, Wien/Horn 2011.

Fröch K., Gmoa. Das Dorfpflegezentrum in Pöttelsdorf, Wien 2015. 

Kleemaier-Wetl R., Baukulturelles Erbe versus Klimaschutz und Modernität. Am Beispiel des Welterbegebietes Fertö-Neusiedler See, Zürich 2015.

Pàlffy A., Village Textures, Wien 2014.

Rainer R., Anonymes Bauen im Nordburgenland, Wien/Köln/Weimar 1995.

Mayer V., Burgenland. Bau- und Wohnkultur im Wandel, Wien 1993.

Schmidt H., Grundsatzprojekt und Adaptierung traditioneller bäuerlicher Bauten an Hand von Beispielen im

südlichen Burgenland, Ritzing 1985.

Wallner W., Typologische Untersuchung der bäuerlichen Wohnbauten im Burgenland und die Entwicklung

eines regionalen Wohnhaustyps, Wien 1985.

Kräftner J., Naive Architektur in Niederösterreich, St. Pölten/Wien 1981.

Kaitna W./ Reichel R./ Smetana K., Katalog baulicher Merkmale im nördlichen Burgenland, Wien 1978.

Haberlandt A., Volkskunde des Burgenlandes. Hauskultur und Volkskunst, Baden 1935.



Course dates

Wed09:00 - 15:0004.10.2023 - 24.01.2024 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Design Studio Radikale Symbiose I - Zwischenland - Single appointments
Wed04.10.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed11.10.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed18.10.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed25.10.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed08.11.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed22.11.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed29.11.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed06.12.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed13.12.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed20.12.202309:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed10.01.202409:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed17.01.202409:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung
Wed24.01.202409:00 - 15:00 SR A/B, 3. OG, Stg. 6Betreuung

Examination modalities



TitleApplication beginApplication end
Entwerfen Bachelor (15 ECTS)18.09.2023 09:0025.09.2023 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified6. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

