After successful completion of the course, students are able to form a societally relevant position by developing a archictural project on a real site with a specific programme. This development is based on critical analysis of existing spatial and social requirements and existing qualities.
Through research and analysis exercises specific properties of existing spaces will be analysed and critically questioned. Subsequently, students will develop individual positions and reactions to the given design subject. Based on these preliminary design principles and by means of various design tools and methods, a concrete architectural proposal will be developed.
Excursion Barcelona
Meeting in Barcelona: Monday 20.03. 09.00
End of Excursionprogramme: Donnerstag 23.03. 17.00
Accomodation and travel is organised by students themselves
Cost estimate p.P.Arrival / departure via Flight : ca. € 250,-
ECTS Excursion
By taking part in the excursions, students will receive 2.0 ECTS via LVA 253.C18
Accomodation : ca. p.N. € 50,- (3 nights Hostel/Airbnb)
A part of the travel expenses will very likely be refunded by the TU Wien.