253.E81 Module Kunst:Raum
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024S, VU, 8.0h, 10.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 8.0
  • Credits: 10.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • LectureTube course
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to differentiate the idea of space in architecture with regard to art from the historical religious architecture to museum architecture. The common bases of art and architecture and specific differences are worked out and contrasted.

The analysis of curatorial knowledge, museum requirements and the practice of exhibition architecture shows the students the broad range of the designs of space for the collection and exhibition as well as for the archiving and conservation of art.

In this way, the students make experiences and as a result are able to develop independently concepts in the field of collection, exhibiting and archiving of art which is a basis for spatial designs.

Subject of course

The module mediates the knowledge about the idea of space in architecture from historical religious architecture to museum architecture. The idea of space is developed with regard to art. In the confrontation with art and its exhibition the students examine in the lectures artistic works, forms of curatorial practice, display theory and practice as well as collection rooms and museology  from the perspective of the architectural design of space. Exhibition design and display form an emphasis which finally results in the subject of design museum architecture.

The curatorial practice, museum preconditions and the realization of the exhibition architecture are mediated. Theoretical knowledge is exercised in practical exercises and brief designs.

Students learn on the basis of simple tasks practical knowledge on the architecture of collecting and exhibiting.

Intro Video: https://portal.tuwien.tv/View.aspx?id=10738~5g~7ONdMXOHdB

Teaching methods

Research, analysis, documentation, discussion, presentation, publication, exhibition, i.a.


Mode of examination


Additional information

Introduction: Mi, 06.03.2024, 09.00 Uhr HS7

The lectures and exercises of the module take place on Wednesdays between 9:00 and 17:00 in presence.

Modul Lectures and Courses:

Core subjects (10 ECTS)

VU - Kuratorische Architektur

VU Display: Vorrichtungen des Zeigens

VU Von der Rauminstallation zum Ausstellungsraum

VU Ausstellungsarchitektur und Museologie

VU Sammlungsräume von der Wunderkammer bis zum Schaulager

Additional subjects (5 ECTS)

VO Museumsarchitektur

VU Raumkunst und Kunstraum

VU Architektur und Kunst im Sakralraum



Course dates

Wed09:00 - 11:3006.03.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Introduction
Wed13:00 - 19:0006.03.2024 - 12.06.2024Ersatzraum Prechtlsaal 3 Group discussion Group A
Wed14:00 - 19:0006.03.2024 - 12.06.2024Projektraum RG - 4/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group A
Wed15:00 - 19:0006.03.2024 - 12.06.2024Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group B
Wed09:00 - 13:0013.03.2024 - 12.06.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Module Kunst:Raum
Wed13:00 - 19:0013.03.2024Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Group discussion Group C
Wed18:00 - 21:0013.03.2024 - 12.06.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Guest lecture
Wed09:00 - 18:0017.04.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Modul Kunst:Raum
Wed13:00 - 19:0024.04.2024Seminarraum AE U1 - 1 Group discussion Group C
Wed09:00 - 18:0022.05.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Modul Kunst.Raum
Wed14:30 - 18:0012.06.2024Projektraum 13 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Modulgruppe A
Wed09:00 - 18:0019.06.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Symposium Kunst:Raum
Module Kunst:Raum - Single appointments
Wed06.03.202409:00 - 11:30HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Introduction
Wed06.03.202413:00 - 19:00Ersatzraum Prechtlsaal 3 Group discussion Group C
Wed06.03.202414:00 - 19:00Projektraum RG - 4/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group A
Wed06.03.202415:00 - 19:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group B
Wed13.03.202409:00 - 13:00HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Module Kunst:Raum
Wed13.03.202413:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Group discussion Group C
Wed13.03.202414:00 - 19:00Projektraum RG - 4/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group A
Wed13.03.202415:00 - 19:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group B
Wed13.03.202418:00 - 21:00HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Guest lecture Elke Krasny
Wed20.03.202409:00 - 13:00HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Module Kunst:Raum
Wed20.03.202413:00 - 19:00Ersatzraum Prechtlsaal 3 Group discussion Group C
Wed20.03.202414:00 - 19:00Projektraum RG - 4/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group A
Wed20.03.202415:00 - 19:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group B
Wed20.03.202418:00 - 21:00HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Guest lecture
Wed10.04.202409:00 - 13:00HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Module Kunst:Raum
Wed10.04.202413:00 - 19:00Ersatzraum Prechtlsaal 3 Group discussion Group C
Wed10.04.202414:00 - 19:00Projektraum RG - 4/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group A
Wed10.04.202415:00 - 19:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Group discussion Group B
Wed10.04.202418:00 - 21:00HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Guest lecture Hermann Czech
Wed17.04.202409:00 - 18:00HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH Modul Kunst:Raum
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

Contributions in the individual work phases.



DayTimeDateRoomMode of examinationApplication timeApplication modeExam
Wed - 18.06.2025assessedno application-Endabgabe


TitleApplication beginApplication end
Theoriemodule Master12.02.2024 09:0014.02.2024 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Knowledge of the art and architecture history, spatial design.

Accompanying courses

Continuative courses


  • Attendance Required!

