253.B59 Design Studio "Learning from Denmark: Healthcare"
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2017W, UE, 8.0h, 10.0EC


  • Semester hours: 8.0
  • Credits: 10.0
  • Type: UE Exercise

Aim of course

After research and analysis of context and topic there will be a passed over to the design of a concret building. The tools are sketches, plans, modells and images. The aim of the course is to learn to work with a concret roomprogram with realistic requirements and to transfer this into a specific context. The final design will be presented to a jury at the end of the semester through posters, models and a digital presentation.

Subject of course

One of the pillars of the so-called Nordic Model, Denmark employs a distinct system of capitalist economics and socialist values, providing for an environment where developments in architecture and design are deeply rooted in everyday social life while having the power to reflect, react and even initiate social transformations. Historically, architects like Arne Jacobsen and Jorn  Utzon have had a lasting influence on architecture and design worldwide, while in the early 2000s a new and young generation of architects has emerged and captured international attention, setting new and ubiquitous design standards around the world.

Investigation on Typologies - Health Care

Throughout history, notions of the body and the idea of health and illness were heavily relying on developments in politics, economics and culture, where innovations in medical treatments and advancements in technology have directly influenced the typology of healthcare facilities.

In Denmark, a deep reflection of the social transformations and belief in architecture as a healing factor is represented in innovative and updated typologies of healthcare evolving at the moment. We will follow up the system which established this progress and approach to the topic with a concrete design.
Which typologies form the basis of today´s care facilities and what are their correlations to the particular social systems they belong to? Which social transformations do we face today and how can those requirements be translated into new typologies – especially for care facilities? How do these buildings integrate into the city fabric? Are they aware of their position as a social institution? This questions and different typological approaches will be the starting points for the design process.

The final architectural projects will be elaborated and presented through drawings, images and models.


A research-based excursion to Aarhus and Copenhagen will allow us to visit and analyse specific building typologies as well as our project sites, providing us with a fundamental understanding of the contexts in which the current developments are taking place.

All students will have to present a report on one topic or building in relation to the excursion. We will inform you about the topics at the kick-off and everyone is asked to use images, sketches, plans or other media and present the report on location.

Organisation of flights and accommodation is individuel. We will meet at the 13th of October 2017 at 11:00 in the center of Copenhagen and the official excursion ends on the 18th of October 2017 at 15:00 in Copenhagen. Every student is free to travel earlier to Denmark or to stay longer.

13.10. - 15.10. accomodation in Copenhagen (2 nights)

15.10. - 16.10. accomodation in Aarhus (1 night)

16.10. - 18.10. accomodation in Copenhagen (2 nights)

We are planning to rent bikes for all students due to the fact that we can see much more in a shorter time. If this is not possible for someone we kindly ask to inform us.

For any questions please contact Evelyn Temmel (evelyn.temmel@tuwien.ac.at) or Jakob Travnik (jakob.travnik@tuwien.ac.at).



Course dates

Thu10:00 - 13:3005.10.2017Seminarraum AA 02 – 1 Introduction
Thu13:00 - 17:0012.10.2017 - 25.01.2018Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Korrektur
00:00 - 00:0013.10.2017 - 18.10.2017 Dänemark - Kopenhagen und AarhusExkursion
00:00 - 00:0013.11.2017 - 16.11.2017 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop I
09:00 - 18:0005.12.2017 - 08.12.2017 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop II
Wed09:00 - 15:0006.12.2017Seminarraum AA 02 – 1 Learning from Denmark - Präsentationen
Wed18:00 - 21:0006.12.2017 HS 13 Ernst MelanVortrag Morten Gregersen
Design Studio "Learning from Denmark: Healthcare" - Single appointments
Thu05.10.201710:00 - 13:30Seminarraum AA 02 – 1 Introduction
Thu12.10.201713:00 - 17:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Korrektur
Fri13.10.201700:00 - 00:00 Dänemark - Kopenhagen und AarhusExkursion
Sat14.10.201700:00 - 00:00 Dänemark - Kopenhagen und AarhusExkursion
Sun15.10.201700:00 - 00:00 Dänemark - Kopenhagen und AarhusExkursion
Mon16.10.201700:00 - 00:00 Dänemark - Kopenhagen und AarhusExkursion
Tue17.10.201700:00 - 00:00 Dänemark - Kopenhagen und AarhusExkursion
Wed18.10.201700:00 - 00:00 Dänemark - Kopenhagen und AarhusExkursion
Thu09.11.201713:00 - 17:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Korrektur
Mon13.11.201700:00 - 00:00 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop I
Tue14.11.201700:00 - 00:00 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop I
Wed15.11.201700:00 - 00:00 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop I
Thu16.11.201700:00 - 00:00 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop I
Thu23.11.201713:00 - 17:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Präsentation (Pin-up)
Thu30.11.201713:00 - 17:00Projektraum GBL - 2/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Korrektur
Tue05.12.201709:00 - 18:00 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop II
Wed06.12.201709:00 - 15:00Seminarraum AA 02 – 1 Learning from Denmark - Präsentationen
Wed06.12.201709:00 - 18:00 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop II
Wed06.12.201718:00 - 21:00 HS 13 Ernst MelanVortrag Morten Gregersen
Thu07.12.201709:00 - 18:00 TVFA HalleEntwurfsworkshop II


TitleApplication beginApplication end
Große Entwerfen WS17/18 ECTS 1015.09.2017 09:0025.09.2017 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Mandatory elective


No lecture notes are available.

Accompanying courses


