Am 30. Juli 2024 wird es aufgrund einer wichtigen Datenbankaktualisierung zwischen 8 und 11 Uhr zu Serviceunterbrechungen in den Bereichen Student-Self-Service und Personalbedarf kommen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

253.778 Kleines Entwerfen Intervention in ausgewählten öffentlichen Räumen (Asien-Europa)
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2022S, UE, 4.0h, 5.0EC, wird geblockt abgehalten


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4.0
  • ECTS: 5.0
  • Typ: UE Übung
  • Format der Abhaltung: Online


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...

  • Herausforderungen und Potenziale konkreter Planungssituationen herauszuarbeiten
  • Richtungsweisende planerische Fragestellungen abzuleiten und diese mit den Mitteln des zeitgemäßen Städtebaus zu beantworten
  • Durch diskursive Auseinandersetzung unterschiedlicher städtebaulicher Leitbilder (Asien-Europa) konkrete ortsspezifische Entwicklungsstrategien zu erarbeiten und daraus städtebauliche Entwürfe abzuleiten
  • Planerische und gestalterische Aufgabenstellung in internationalen Teams interdisziplinär zu lösen
  • Die Ergebnisse der Analyse und Planung ebenso wie gestalterische Umsetzungen adäquat zu visualisieren und zu vermitteln

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

Wesentlicher Lehrinhalt ist die Konfrontation mit konkreten Situationen sowohl in städtischen Ballungsräumen als auch in städtischen Peripherien oder in ländlichen Räumen. Das Entwerfen umfasst die kritische Analyse des Bestandes, die Diskussion von allgemeinen städtebaulichen Leitbildern, die Konzeption ortsspezifischer Entwicklungsstrategien, die Ausarbeitung städtebaulicher Entwürfe, sowie ihre Visualisierung und Präsentation. Dabei reicht die planerische Auseinandersetzung von den Maßstabsebenen der Regional- und Stadtplanung über die Fragen von Bebauungstypologien bis zum stadtgestalterischen Detail.

Die tatsächliche Arbeit wird von den Studierenden in einem 2-wöchigen Intensiv-Workshop im September (voraussichtlich 15.02. - 26.02. und 13.9.2021 - 24.09.2021) 

Die LVA wird in Kooperation mit der Raumplanung angeboten. (LVA 280.683)

Sowohl Lehrende als auch Studierende  sind international von Partneruniversitäten:

  • Tongji University, Shanghai, VR China
  • Busan National University, S.Korea
  • Palermo University, Italien
  • Kyushu University, Japan


Wichtig: Diese Lehrveranstaltung in englischer Sprache ist nur den Studenten vorbehalten, die bei dem China-Workshop in Wien teilnehmen.

Anmeldung ausschließlich mit Portfolio!

Ergänzende Details und technische Unterlagen folgen im laufe des Sommersemesters.


  • Arbeiten in interdisziplinären internationalen Studierenden-Teams
  • Begehungen & Beobachtungen
  • Impulsvorträge
  • Workshops


Schriftlich und Mündlich

Weitere Informationen

Lecturers (TU Wien):

  • Jadric, Mladen
  • Xu Kai
  • Kurt Weninger

with guest Professors from Partner universities in Shanghai, Nanjing, Shenzhen and Sydney


Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung, TU Wien, September 2020



Jadric, Mladen; Ass.Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. mit Xu Kai, Guest Prof. aus VR China

Gastprofessoren aus der Partneruniversitäten in Italien, China, Japan und Südkorea

A new cultural project for European cities

Public space toward a sustainable urban environment




Gerhard Richter 

Venedig (Treppe) Venice (Staircase)

1985 51.4 cm x 71.8 cm Werkverzeichnis: 586-3

Öl auf Leinwand




A new European Bauhaus between Next Generation EU, Green Deal and Agenda 2030

The President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen has launched the creative and interdisciplinary initiative entitledNew European Bauhaus,in order to trigger the virtual construction of a space of encounter to design future ways of living between art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology. It is aimed at fostering a collective effort to imagine and build a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future, bringing the Green Deal to our living places.


-       Beautiful means inclusive, accessible spaces where the dialogue between diverse cultures, disciplines, genders and ages becomes an opportunity to imagine a better place for all. It also means a more inclusive economy, where wealth is distributed and spaces are affordable.

-       Beautiful means sustainable solutions that create a dialogue between our built environment and the planet's ecosytems. It means to realise regenerative approaches inspired by natural cycles that replenish resources and protect biodiversity.

-       Beautiful means enriching experiences that respond to needs beyond our material dimension, inspired by creativity, art and culture. It means appreciating diversity as an opportunity to learn from each other.


Building an international network for a shared cultural project

The Sapienza University of Rome and the Technische Universität Wien open a cutting-edge debate and promote the construction of a network of architect, engineers, designers and artists - academics, scholars and professionals - in order to contribute to initiative New European Bauhaus in the framework of the long-standing international activities and relations of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA - Sapienza) and the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Institute of Architecture und Design (TU Wien). 


The activities carried out by the International Unit of the Department PDTA focus on an interdisciplinary perspective on urban environment pointing out the references and practices related to a multiscalar and integrated approach for urban regeneration. 

In particular, the international relations represent the framework to consolidate an integrated contribution of design disciplines to the challenges related to urban and environmental sustainability, with particular reference to the 17 Goals of the Agenda 2030. Urban regeneration, technology and environment, design for sustainability are key works to rethink public space, housing, infrastructures, resources management, commons. 

The activities relate to interdisciplinary cultural and scientific events in order to enhance and integrate teaching, research and third mission.



The city in its circular fever 

repeats and repeats

City, my city,

scorned stela,

dishonored stone.

Patio, wall, ash, tree, well

dissolve into clarity in the form of a lake

A foliage of transparency

grows on its shore. Fortunate

rhyme of peaks and pyramids,

the landscape unfolds

in the abstract mirror of the architecture.


Octavio Paz, A Draft of Shadows


Public space for a sustainable urban environment in Europe. Starting events and activities

The process of construction of the international network starts focusing the attention on public space in the Anthropocene as a main field of research and practice in Europe and as a multi-scalar and cross-cutting issue for architect, engineers, designers and urban planners, artists - academics, scholars and professionals.

Public space represents a central issue for cultural identity and inclusion of European cities, as well as strategic component of sustainability and resilience, between climate change, economic crisis and pandemic. 

Public space is thus at the frontline (Un-habitat, 2020; OECD, 2020) to face contemporary challenges and a possible matrix for green, inclusive and resilient cities where scientific knowledge, cultural references and social needs can find shared guidelines at European level coming from urban and landscape planning, architectural design and technology, industrial design, building physics, botany, town planning law. 

Circular economy and natural cycles, flexible and mixed uses, multicultural creativity and cultural heritage are key issue of a programme of activities articulated in:


-      A Study dayin April 2021 that will involve Universities in a theoretical debate on goals and issues related to public space between pandemic challenges and long-standing goals of sustainability in the framework of the 2030 Agenda; the Study day is aimed at pointing out priorities and practices relating to the regeneration of waterfronts and linear parks as urban margins, areas of conflict, interaction and synergy between urban fabric and natural components; in these scope, planning and design of public spaces involve different anthropic and natural urban components from areas of landscape and ecological interest to deprived sites, fostering opportunities to reshape urban paths and strengthen accessibility, relaunch ecological cycles with nature-based solutions, revitalize social life activities in abandoned spaces, spread cultural and collective activities in wide, safe and continuous public networks, thanks to permanent and temporary interventions.   


-      A Didactic experimentationheld in the framework of the teaching activities of Sapienza University and TU Wien within the second semester of the 2020-2021 AY,


-      An International seminar and workshopheld in September 2021 that will involve all the partners of the network in order to propose projects and actions for European cities. 




March 2021 

-       Kick-off, Introduction of Design Studio,

-       Zoom meeting TUW - La Sapienza

-       Work in groups, collections of materials and documents

April 2021

-       A Study day - together with guest-speakers, architects and artists

-       Work in groups,

-       Zoom presentation of concepts for the students in Rome/Vienna

May 2021

-       Work in groups

-       Zoom presentation for the students in Rome/Vienna (?)

June 2021

-       Work in groups

-       Zoom presentation for the students in Rome/Vienna

July and August 2021

-       Individual research and work in groups 

September 2021

-       An International seminar and workshop with the participation of all TUW/LS students

-       Closing event

WS 21 - Publication (?)





Federica Dal Falco - La Sapienza

Chiara Sardari - La Sapienza

Mladen Jadric - TU Wien

Guest-speakers: architects and artists 

Assistance: Federica Rizzo - TU Wien



Vortragende Personen




  • Anwesenheitspflicht
  • Mitarbeit
  • Teilnahme am Workshop
  • Qualität der Ergebnisse


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
21.02.2022 09:00 28.02.2022 23:59 28.02.2022 23:59


066 443 Architektur Gebundenes Wahlfach


Urban Analects - Essays about Chinese Urban Transition
Edited by Klaus Semsroth & Mladen Jadric 


Urban Analects

(The Analects (Lun-y) is a collection of moral and ethical principles enunciated by the Chinese thinker Confucius in conversations with his disciples. These principles set standards for individual conduct and the administration of government and community. After Confucius died in 479 BC, his followers compiled his teachings in the form of dialogues between him and his students. The resulting collection highly influenced educational, social, and cultural thought in China and elsewhere.) 

Wikipedia, The Analects, (25.09.12)

Urban Analects is a book of essays published to honor the 10th anniversary our Austrian-Chinese university cooperation. During these 10 years we have experienced an extremely eventful period of history, and have witnessed some developments that irreversibly changed the image of our contemporary world. We all may consider ourselves fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to witness the rise of China into an economic and cultural world power, as well as Europe‘s transformation into a unified economic and cultural space. Working with our students on various urban and architectural projects, we have contributed to these processes at least to some degree. 

Looking back at these past years, we can say without false modesty that we have left our mark on a great number of young people, particularly students, enabling them to understand and learn from our respective cultures much more than this had been the case before. Also, this cooperation has only strengthened us in our belief that education is the cornerstone of any modern society. We hope that at the end of the book the reader will share our view. In the words of great teacher and philosopher Confucius: If your plan is for one year plant rice. If your plan is for ten years plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years educate children. 


Änderungen in der LVA aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie  (Stand 01.04.2020)

Begleitende Lehrveranstaltungen

