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253.179 Sustainability Challenge
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, VO, 2.0h, 4.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to understand the dimension of sustainability comprehensively and in a transdisciplinary manner. Based on the knowledge imparted in the teaching conference, students can independently develop their “service learning project”.

The course should enable and encourage the students to approach the individual projects in a solution-oriented manner and with a focus on a sustainable way of life and economy. Above all, design and action skills are promoted. The students independently develop topics that are relevant to them, discuss them critically with their colleagues, adapt questions or change them entirely, make trend-setting decisions in the course of project work and set concrete milestones that should lead to the desired goal. This enables them to develop independent and structured ways of working. The continuous learning process is made visible and what has been learned is internalized through regular reflection on the theoretical knowledge acquired and the experience gained from practical implementation. Working in interdisciplinary teams is a core element of the course. It requires a high degree of independence and promotes both organizational and communication skills.

Service Learning Track: In addition to the common learning outcomes, the Service Learning Track also includes problem-solving skills when it comes to specific practical questions. The participating students learn to understand the plans of the practice partners, to form their own picture and then to go into the concrete and well-considered implementation. Start-up track: In addition to the common learning outcomes, the start-up track also includes problem-solving skills when it comes to your own idea and its implementation. The participating students individually address a social, ecological or socio-ecological problem that they face and for which they develop their own solution approaches.



Subject of course

The contents of the course relate to the main topic "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" - the global sustainability goals of the United Nations. Both the individual course units and the project questions are embedded in this topic. It is particularly valuable that different disciplines and perspectives are represented. On the one hand, the lecturers come from different subject areas, such as sociology, spatial planning, architecture, ecological economics, systems science or climate research. On the other hand, the course participants are students from various fields of study and universities.This interdisciplinary approach enables an important range of topics to be dealt with in order to be able to address the SDGs to a justified extent. In view of the fact that sustainability makes up many areas of our social and professional life, there are cross-connections to almost all curricula. Together we want to develop solutions for local and global socio-ecological challenges and that is especially possible when different disciplines, perspectives and experiences are represented. The specific individual topics of the four course units are determined by the participating teachers shortly before the start of the semester, as they wait to see which project questions will be included in the new year and which disciplines will be taught together in team teaching.

In the start-up track, there are also regular project working hours with the supervising start-up coaches, whereby a business model for the students' ideas is worked out together in the winter semester before the business plan is specified in the summer semester.


Teaching methods

In the practical part of the course, concrete practical projects or start-up ideas are pursued. The students are supported in so-called coaching sessions by supervising mentors or start-up coaches. These coaching sessions take place at least twice a semester. In the service learning track, there are also regular meetings with the respective practice partners. The meetings are arranged individually and as needed. The practical part of the course requires students to have self-discipline, commitment, good project management, fair teamwork and continuity. On the other hand, they experience the opportunity to develop creatively, pursue their own ideas and ideas, work critically and value-oriented and develop approaches to solving current challenges. The theoretical part of the course takes place in the teaching conferences and supervised project work times. The teaching conference in the winter semester is held in team teaching. This means that two universities join together and dedicate themselves to an interdisciplinary focus on a topic that is related to the Sustainable Development Goals and current issues from the respective disciplines. Students will be informed promptly about the content and method as soon as there is an agreement between the teachers. The project working hours are part of the start-up track and will take place approximately every 3 weeks. The coaches come together with all participants in the track and work on the individual steps towards a business model. The formats are diverse. Group work, lectures, pitches and feedback sessions are planned.

Mode of examination


Additional information

All participating students must have applied and been accepted for the course via the course website www.sustainabilitychallenge.at. They must also be prepared to take part in this two-semester course in both winter semester 23/24 and summer semester 24.



Course dates

Mon15:00 - 17:0009.10.2023 online - Homepage! (LIVE)Introduction to Service Learning
Thu09:00 - 12:0012.10.2023 tbd WU WienEinführung in Entrepreneurship & Team-Building für alle Start-ups
Thu10:30 - 12:3012.10.2023 Foyer EA, WU WienTeam-Building for all Service Learning Projects
Thu15:30 - 20:0012.10.2023 Kuppelsaal TU WienKickoff
Wed09:00 - 12:0018.10.2023 WU WienTeam-Building & Co-Working, Start-up Track
Thu10:00 - 12:0019.10.2023 onlineGrundlagen Projektmanagement & -kommunikation, Service Learning Track
10:00 - 19:3007.11.2023 - 08.11.2023 Day 1 online, Day 2, TC 2.02, WU WienTeaching Conference Day, 1,2
Tue14:00 - 16:0007.11.2023 flexible#1 Treffen mit Service Learning Partner*innen & Mentor:innen, Service Learining Track
Wed16:00 - 19:0029.11.2023 individuelle Vereinbarungen, ev. onlineTreffen & Co-Working im Studierenden-Team
Wed16:00 - 19:0013.12.2023 Meeting mit Partner und Betreuer, 1x pro MonatTreffen mit Service Learning Partner*innen (#2, #3, #4, #.., – mindestens monatlich)
Sustainability Challenge - Single appointments
Mon09.10.202315:00 - 17:00 online - Homepage!Introduction to Service Learning
Thu12.10.202309:00 - 12:00 tbd WU WienEinführung in Entrepreneurship & Team-Building für alle Start-ups
Thu12.10.202310:30 - 12:30 Foyer EA, WU WienTeam-Building for all Service Learning Projects
Thu12.10.202315:30 - 20:00 Kuppelsaal TU WienKickoff
Wed18.10.202309:00 - 12:00 WU WienTeam-Building & Co-Working, Start-up Track
Thu19.10.202310:00 - 12:00 onlineGrundlagen Projektmanagement & -kommunikation, Service Learning Track
Tue07.11.202310:00 - 19:30 Day 1 online, Day 2, TC 2.02, WU WienTeaching Conference Day, 1,2
Tue07.11.202314:00 - 16:00 flexible#1 Treffen mit Service Learning Partner*innen & Mentor:innen, Service Learining Track
Wed08.11.202310:00 - 19:30 Day 1 online, Day 2, TC 2.02, WU WienTeaching Conference Day, 1,2
Wed29.11.202316:00 - 19:00 individuelle Vereinbarungen, ev. onlineTreffen & Co-Working im Studierenden-Team
Wed13.12.202316:00 - 19:00 Meeting mit Partner und Betreuer, 1x pro MonatTreffen mit Service Learning Partner*innen (#2, #3, #4, #.., – mindestens monatlich)
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

Mandatory participation in the joint appointments is used for the assessment. The supervised project working time remains optional. (45%) The minutes from the coaching sessions and the meetings with practice partners count for 25% of the grade. In addition, a written project report in the service learning track and a pitch deck for the business plan in the start-up track at the end of the semester are also part of the grading basis. (30%) For a positive grade, the overall assessment must be at least 50%.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
04.09.2023 12:00 30.09.2023 12:00 30.09.2023 12:00

Registration modalities

Anm,eldung erfoplgt über anderes Portal.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
066 566 Environmental Engineering Mandatory elective
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


Neue Literaturliste wird erstellt und ist dann In Kürze verfügbar!

Previous knowledge


Stuidents of all faculties can register.


