After successful completion of the course, students are able to
find their way around the interdisciplinary field of monument conservation. They can acquire important special knowledge which qualifies architects for work in the field of monument conservation. They learn to recognize technical connections and to apply expertise and to argue scientifically founded. Furthermore, they will be able to communicate the resulting knowledge and apply it in practice. Students learn under real conditions how to carry out archive and field work and how to deal with monuments on site.
History of monument preservation, monument values, fundamentals, terms and definitions, theoretical discussion, charters, conventions, memoranda, international, national, local. Discourse about social and political relevance, formulation of current research topics, medium and long term perspectives. Fundamentals of inventory, regulatory framework, embedding of monument preservation in current and interdisciplinary requirements (sustainability, resources, urban and regional planning, infrastructure, etc.), organisation and processes, media competence, confidence in argumentation. Introduction to the fundamentals of the renovation of monuments. Different approaches and strategies, requirements for design projects from an urban scale to individual buildings. Special fields such as the research, inventory and preservation of technical and industrial monuments with links to the history of technology, economic and social history. Communication of terminology, history of industrial archaeology, building heritage, monument values, endangerment of industrial monuments, laws and public relation, methods of inventory and preservation methods. Students learn under real conditions how to carry out archive and field work and how to deal with monuments on site.
Introductional lecture (for previously registered students only!) on Monday, March 4th 2024, 5:00 p.m. live at HS 7, Karlsplatz 13
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