251.878 : Design of a mobile earth building lab
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, UE, 4.0h, 5.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 5.0
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to meet the multiple requirements of an architectural design in a solution-oriented manner. This relates to the functional, spatial, ecological, social, creative, aesthetic, economic and technical challenges associated with architectural design.

Subject of course


The Earth Building Network as well as the Young Earth Builders Association are committed to the development of loam as a recyclable building material towards mass building. An important part of this initiative is to make knowledge of the qualities of the building material accessible to a broad population. This happens best through workshops and hands-on experiences. Clay is a material whose special haptic properties can be experienced primarily through simple experiments. This gave rise to the vision of a mobile workshop or a mobile clay laboratory - the "Lehmobil". This contains the most important equipment, tools and materials for testing, mixing, shaping and designing with clay, and for creative experimentation. At the same time, the clay mobile should be designed in such a way that it acts as an advertising medium for the material and attracts attention. In front of schools, kindergartens, on village squares and in urban areas, it will serve as a framework for events that revolve around sustainable building and living with natural materials.

Conversion/extension/new construction of a car trailer. This should
- be able to carry the specified materials, tools and equipment
- meet all specifications regarding weight approval
- be flexibly changeable (transport box, information stand, walk-in laboratory...)
- be weatherproof
- be constructed from natural/renewable raw materials as far as possible
- be attractive and eye-catching
- have an experiential character
- fulfill all functional requirements
- make you want to use clay!

- Research on the availability of materials
- Consideration of the constructive possibilities of the respective material
- Detailed elaboration up to implementation planning
- Elaboration of details and connections for concrete feasibility
- Cost calculation

Teaching methods

- Research (construction techniques, material properties, etc.)
- analysis
- Design representation: models, sketches, plans, visualizations

Mode of examination


Additional information


Zeit: 14:00 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum Gußhausstraße 28, 1. Stock

Achtung: Anwesenheitspflicht bei allen fetten Terminen! 

12.10. Einführung und Vorträge: Lehmbautechniken weltweit; Lehmbau – state of the art
19.10. Vortrag: Lehmbau in Österreich; Betreuungstermin
09.11. Betreuungstermin
16.11. Konzeptpräsentation
02.11. Betreuungstermin über Zoom (optional – trotz vorlesungsfreiem Tag)
23.11. Betreuungstermin
30.11. Zwischenpräsentation
07.12. Betreuungstermin
14.12. Betreuungstermin
21.12. Endpräsentation und Abgabe

Zoom-Link Andrea Rieger-Jandl: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/97855034818
asswort: 5Df3VgHq



Course dates

Thu17:00 - 20:3019.10.2023 - 25.01.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Entwerfen Lehmobil
: Design of a mobile earth building lab - Single appointments
No records found.

Examination modalities

Concept presentation: design idea, sketches, possibly working models
Intermediate presentation: floor plans, views, construction details, material definition, rough cost estimate
Final presentation and delivery: floor plans, elevations, sections, visualizations and/or model(s), cost calculation


TitleApplication beginApplication end
Entwerfen Master / Künstlerische Projekte (5 ECTS)18.09.2023 09:0025.09.2023 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Mandatory elective


No lecture notes are available.

Accompanying courses

