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251.851 - mosques :: research - design!
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2020W, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to... critically assess trends and developments in mosque architecture in the 21st century. They are introduced to the diversity of contemporary sacral architecture in Islamic countries, but also to mosque architecture in the diaspora - not least in Austria - at the focus of religion, society and politics.

Subject of course

The students first obtain basic knowledge of history and typology of Islamic sacral architecture. The focus, however, is on current developments and needed innovations in mosque architecture as well as the debates and conflicts triggered at many fronts:

  • Sacral architecture and the potential of multifunctional spaces
  • Minaret and dome - symbols of the homeland or visual codes?
  • Freedom of religion = freedom of architecture?
  • Mosque and gender issues
  • Mosques as a meeting place for different cultures?
  • aktuelle Neubauprojekte und Planungen im Brennpunkt

In this course, selected contemporary mosques, (controversial) projects and new buildings, but also e.g. backyard mosques - in Europe and Austria will be presented, (some of them) visited and analysed.Experts and responsible persons from religion, architecture and politics as well as affected persons from different communities will have their voices heard in lectures and interviews.

One focus is on the debate about the new mosques as well as role and task of the "Moscheevereine" (in Austria.

Teaching methods


  • Research (literature, internet, on-site visits, interviews)
  • Documentation (photo, film, graphics)
  • Writing short reports and abstracts

Mode of examination


Additional information


TERMINE / vorläufiger Semesterfahrplan:

8. Okt.: Einführungsveranstaltung

  • Vortrag Dr. Hakim: Abriss zur Geschichte des Moscheenbaus

  • Communication Skills I (Literaturrecherche und -verwaltung)

  • Vergabe der Referatsthemen: Moscheen in Wien

15. Okt.: Reports/Studierende: 

  • ⇒ erste Ergebnisse, Herausforderungen, Kritiken

  • Communication Skills I 

29. Okt.:  Einzeltermine/Korrekturen (nach Voranmeldung / doodle-Kalender)

05. Nov.:  Zwischenpräsentation für ALLE!

12. Nov.:  Einzeltermine/Korrekturen (nach Voranmeldung / doodle-Kalender)

                ==> am Nachmittag:Ortstermin/ ausgewählte Moschee(n) in Wien

26. Nov:   Einzeltermine/Korrekturen (nach Voranmeldung / doodle-Kalender)

03. Dez.: Exkursion nach Graz (individuelle Anreise)

17. Dez.: Schlusspräsentation/Workshop!!!



Course dates

Thu09:00 - 12:0008.10.2020HS 11 Paul Ludwik 251.851: Kollaboratives Arbeiten - Moscheen - Workshop!
Thu10:00 - 13:0015.10.2020EI 8 Pötzl HS - QUER 251.851 Kollaboratives Arbeiten - mosques :: research - design! (reports/students)
Thu10:00 - 13:0005.11.2020HS 13 Ernst Melan - RPL 251.851 Kollaboratives Arbeiten - mosques :: research - design! (intermediate presentation)
Thu09:00 - 13:0017.12.2020HS 13 Ernst Melan - RPL 251.851: Kollaboratives Arbeiten - mosques :: research - design! FInaler Workshop
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities


  • Submission of an abstract (textual and graphical), answering to a defined research question

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
14.09.2020 12:00 12.10.2020 12:00 12.10.2020 12:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Accompanying courses


if required in English