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251.803 Building Survey :: Experimental Research in Building Archaeology
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2018S, UE, 3.0h, 4.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: UE Exercise

Aim of course


Introductory lecture:

>>> Tuesday, 13.03., Dienstag, 13. März: 15:30 Uhr!!!

The highly application-oriented course "Experimental Research in Building Archaeology" deals with changing topics in the field of History of Architecture, the main focus here is on questions about material and construction techniques. The why and the how, the implementation of the design specifications, the construction sequences, the construction site logistics as well as the different construction techniques and the manufacturing processes of certain building materials will be analysed.

"Experimental Research in Building Archaeology" means teaching and research!

Still unexplained questions in construction history as well as (supposedly) incomprehensible construction techniques and construction processes are under scrutiny. The course is a real exercise, i.e. the students will work on-site, too, will experiment with authentic building materials or in experimental conditions.

Subject of course

Building Techniques of Roman Antiquity

In the WS 2017/18, the course "Experimental Building Archaeology" focuses on stone working techniques in Roman antiquity. The construction material tuff, which is used in the opus reticulatum or the opus vittatum, will be examined closely. Although tuff ashlars and bricks are among the most widely used building materials in the ancient Roman walls, research has so far focused only marginally on the processes involved, from quarries and brick kilns to masonry stone.
In order to understand the effort involved in working on tuff in ancient times, the difficulties that arose, and how they might have affected the entire construction process, we are experimenting with these questions.

The LVA is held in blocks within the framework of 3 courses:

MÄRZ 2018

    13.03.2018: Introductory event (15:30-17:00 hrs, seminar room 251)

MAI 2018

  • May 15th,16:00 - 20:00
    Thematic introduction | impulse speeches:

    Characteristics and peculiarities of Roman-antique building techniques and masonry
    + Workshop 1 = Biscuits & Co.: the material and construction problems of the Romans with edible building materials!
  • May 22th, 16:00
    Lecture by Gregor Döhner (Roman-Germanic Central Museum, competence area "Experimental Archaeology")
    + Presentation of the results of Workshop 1 (in text, picture and film...)
    + Excursion reader compilation

End of May/beginning of June _ multi-day excursion to Rome and its surroundings
We will visit various archaeological sites in Rome, which will allow us to see the walls and construction techniques of the Roman Empire in situ (Forum Romanum, Imperial Forums, Palatine, Pantheon, the temples at Largo di Torre Argentina and the architecture in Via Appia Antica etc.). In Ostia Antica we will then focus on documenting, analyzing and discussing selected structural situations.

JUNI 2018

  • June 12th, 15:30-18:00

    Review of the excursion |+ joint presentation of the documentation material
  • June 19th, 15:30-18:00

    Final presentation!

Additional information

Im Rahmen der LVA findet eine das Thema vertiefende Exkursion statt (= 251.098 Exkursion zu Sonderthemen der Baukunst). Die Teilnahme ist VERPFLICHTEND!!!

Aufgrund der tlw. Abhaltung in Blocklehrveranstaltungen ist eine 100%ige Anwesenheit der Studierenden Voraussetzung! Bitte überprüfen Sie unbedingt Ihren Stundenplan auf etwaige Kollisionen!



Course dates

Tue15:30 - 17:0013.03.2018Seminarraum 251 Introduction
Tue15:30 - 20:0015.05.2018Seminarraum 251 Impulsvorträge + Workshop I
Tue15:30 - 20:0022.05.2018Seminarraum 251 Referatsthemen + Exkursionsvorbereitung
Tue16:00 - 19:0012.06.2018Seminarraum 251 Final Presentation
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

Attendance required!

Individual documentation of the results of the experiments - workshop and excursion - in text, image and/or film in the form of a folder or similar. (Teamwork possible!)

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
19.02.2018 20:00 13.03.2018 17:00 16.03.2018 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Accompanying courses


if required in English