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251.071 Wahlseminar Topos in architectural theory
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2019W, SE, 3.0h, 4.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 3.0
  • ECTS: 4.0
  • Typ: SE Seminar


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage mit Texten (Schreiben und Recherche) wissenschaftlich zu arbeiten, zwischen akademischem und journalistischem Schreiben zu unterscheiden. Sie haben den richtigen Umgang mit dem Zitieren und Bibliographieren gelernt, Grundprinzipien der Bibliotheks- und Internet Recherche, sowie Grundformen des Argumentierens. Sie können ein Thema so fassen, aufgliedern, organisieren und strukturieren dass es in einer Seminararbeit wissenschaftlich erörtert werden kann. Sie können wissenschaftliches von journalistischem Schreiben unterscheiden.

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

Attunement to the Ambiguity of the Invisible and Imperfect

What?    A polycentric seminar scrutinizing the concept of parasite, rethinking the boundaries of aurality and spatiality. Dwelling on the metaphor of orbital movement, it allows participants to follow interdisciplinary paths through philosophy, literature, architecture, and music. The path never remains the same and the continuous questioning becomes a perpetuum mobile.

In Lucian’s The Parasite,Simon explains a dazzled Tychiades that not only the survival of the parasite but also the “art” of being parasitic depends on the continuous exercise of knowledge. It is through this dependence on a daily diligence that differentiates it from other arts. As the dialogue continues pleasure, happiness, and virtue are amongst others that Lucian brings forth. Whether social or biological, parasitism generates multiple dualities: structure and agent; existing and utopia; host and guest -Combes asks if it is the host or the parasite that in reality becomes the subject of exploitation-; self and other; visible and invisible; perfect and imperfect.

In the realm of the aural, some languages refer to the parasite as an interruption: a noise that temporarily blocks flawless communication. Within this polycentric setting one of the questions to be raised would be how to locate the concept of parasite in realm of the spatial?

How?   The seminar dwells on the tripartite structure of thinking, reading, and expressing. Accompanied by reading and presenting text clusters in groups, participants are expected to raise individual questions laying the foundations of a structured research process. An intellectual and physical displacementthrough two fieldtrips is also amongst the aims: a visit to the Arnold Schönberg Center and a wandering with biologist Ken Luzynski. A brain-and-earstorming session with architect/composer Tamara Friebel as guest to discuss “noise” and how the aural relates to the spatial will be part of the seminar. Scheduled is also a “meet the philosopher” day in which the group gets the opportunity to exchange ideas with Gregg Lambert.

Two writing tasks are foreseen: a fable and seminar paper.

Why?    Outcomes of this seminar could be set forth as a set of "awareness," starting by perceiving the overarching importance of theory. As active contributors to the seminar participants get accustomed to theory in a-temporally and contextually-polycentric  layout. On the one hand, confronting clusters of ideas and learning how to mobilize them throughout the process of research, on the other hand, being able to transform this process of critical thinking to a novel synthesis without compromising creativity. Scheduled fieldtrips and meeting guest scholars aim participants to become aware of the importance of intellectual and spatial surroundings as inputs. Through a selected reader list and its group presentations participants get the opportunity to practice individual and group-working skills.


Vorträge und Gastvorträge; Gruppendiskussionen der ausgewählten Texten; Exkursionen.



Weitere Informationen

Ort: Dienstags, 16:00-18.00 Uhr Seminarraum ATTP, Wiedner Hauptstr. 7, Stiege 2, 1. Stock
Beginn: Erstes Treffen am Institut 8. Oktober 2019, 16:00 Uhr/ Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.

Beachten Sie beim Verfassen der Ausarbeitung bitte die Richtlinie der TU Wien zum Umgang mit Plagiaten: Leitfaden zum Umgang mit Plagiaten (PDF)

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Di.16:00 - 18:0008.10.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.First Meeting
Sa.10:00 - 15:0019.10.2019 WilheminenbergFieldtrip 1: Parasite wa(o)ndering (Ken Luzynski Biologist)
Di.16:00 - 18:0022.10.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Introduction Parasitos
Di.16:00 - 18:0029.10.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Seminar: Pragmatic Issues
Di.16:00 - 18:0005.11.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Seminar: Presentation+Discussion Cluster 1
Di.16:00 - 18:0012.11.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Seminar: Presentation+Discussion Cluster 2
Di.16:00 - 18:0019.11.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Guest Lecture: Tamara Friebel (Architect/Composer)
Di.16:00 - 18:0026.11.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Seminar: Presentation+Discussion Cluster 3
Di.16:00 - 18:0003.12.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Guest Lecture: Meet the Philosopher - Gregg Lambert
Di.15:00 - 17:0010.12.2019 Arnold Schönberg CenterFieldtrip 2: Arnold Schönberg Center
Di.16:00 - 18:0017.12.2019 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Mid Term: Abstract+Fable
Di.16:00 - 18:0021.01.2020 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Review+Discussion
Di.16:00 - 18:0028.01.2020 Seminarraum Architekturtheorie, Wiedner Hauptstr.7/1. Stock.Review+Discussion


Presence and active participation in the weekly meetings; writing tasks: a creative piece (a fable) and an academic one (seminar paper).


Wahlseminare WS1916.09.2019 09:0030.09.2019 23:59


033 243 Architektur Keine Angabe6. SemesterSTEOP
Lehrveranstaltung erfordert die Erfüllung der Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase STEOP


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.

Weitere Informationen

