Survey of the most important phenomena of urban metabolism, regional input, storage and output of goods and substances. Supply and disposal are discussed as connected units. Waste management is analysed as a part of the metabolism of the antroposphere. Problems of and solutions for the metabolism of modern urban regions are demonstrated and discussed. The students apply the gained knowledge in short, tailor-made exercises.
Additional information
If, due to the requirements of the federal government or the TU Wien, it is not possible to hold the course and the examination or parts of the course in attendance, the format will be switched to online. When switching to the online format, the following methods and modes apply:
Method when switching to online format:
Recordings in TUWEL, zoom meetings
Exam mode when switching to online format:
Written, Multiple-Choice-Examen, under supervision (Zoom Meeting)
Assessment scheme for the online exam:
See “exam modalities”; no change by switching to online format
Required technical equipment for participation in the course and examination:
Device with internet access (notebook, PC, tablet, smartphone)
Certificate of achievement:
See “exam modalities”; no change by switching to online format
Brunner, P,; Rechberger, H., Practical Handbook of Material Flow Analysis, Lewis Publ., NY, 2004.
Baccini, P.; Brunner, P.H., Metabolism of the Anthroposphere - analysis, evaluation, design, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2012.
ÖNORM S2096 „Stoffflussanalyse - Anwendung in der Abfallwirtschaft (Teil 1 und 2)“
SFA-Software STAN, freeware for download from: download.