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222.564 Applied Hydromechanics This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2025S, VO, 1.5h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • Discuss the field of application of the course material
  • Explain the main characteristics of fluids
  • Formulate the first principles of mass and momentum conservation in local and integral form
  • Compute the hydrostatic pressure and forces on (partially) submerged objects
  • Explain fundamental equations (Navier-Stokes, Bernoulli, Euler momentum equation) governing the behavior of fluids
  • Name the applicability and limitations of these equations and of their simplified counterparts
  • Explain the difference between laminar and turbulent flow
  • Discuss the modelling of the effect of turbulence on the mean flow
  • Explain the derivation of the friction coefficient
  • Conceptualize a pipe-flow system
  • Quantify the forces exerted by flowing water on objects based on Euler’s momentum theorem
  • Compute the normal flow and critical flow depths in an open-channel flow
  • Determine the regime (laminar vs. turbulent, mild slope vs. steep slope) of an open-channel flow
  • Represent the state of a flow on an energy (or specific energy) diagram
  • Quantify the energy losses in a pipe flow and an open-channel flow
  • Represent graphically the solution (total energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, pressure) of a pipe flow and an open-channel flow
  • Compute and qualify water surface profiles in open-channel flow
  • Compute and explain hydraulic jumps in open-channel flow
  • Choose the appropriate level of complexity in solving engineering problems

Subject of course

Introduction to the basics of fluid dynamics and real-life examples, physical properties of fluids and their effect on the flow, hydrostatics, laws of conservation of mass and momentum applied to fluids flows, different types of forces in fluids, Navier-Stokes equations and their applicability, laminar flow, turbulent flow (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations), pipe flow (energy losses), Euler momentum theorem, Bernoulli's equation, open channel flow (St-Venant equations, specific energy, normal and critical flow, gradually varied flow and backwater curves, hydraulic jump)

Teaching methods

A combination of plenary lecture and flipped classroom is used as follows:

  • Theory: Plenary lecture or flipped classroom (first self-study followed by a plenary session)
  • Examples/exercises: flipped classroom (first self-study followed by a plenary session)

Note that it is important that the students understand the philosophy of the flipped-classroom concept. The fundamental assumption is that the lecturer-student interaction has more added value in the application of knowledge than in the acquisition of knowledge. Students acquire knowledge in an autonomous way through self-study. The forum and consultation hours are available for questions, discussion and feedback. The plenary sessions focus on the application of the theory.

An important requisite for the successful implementation of the flipped-classroom concept is that students come well-prepared to the plenary sessions, i.e. they have thoroughly studied the theory and solved already some examples themselves.

When required by the ministry or rectorate: Covid-19 distance-learning format:

Plenary lectures and plenary sessions are presented online via Zoom. A complete transcription of the material is given in the notes of the corresponding ppt slides.

Mode of examination




Course dates

Mon14:00 - 16:0003.03.2025 - 30.06.2025Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Mon14:00 - 16:0003.03.2025 - 30.06.2025EI 10 Fritz Paschke HS - UIW 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Wed08:00 - 10:0005.03.2025 - 25.06.2025HS 8 Heinz Parkus - CEE 1. Introduction
Wed08:00 - 10:0005.03.2025 - 25.06.2025EI 3 Sahulka HS - UIW 1. Introduction
Applied Hydromechanics - Single appointments
Mon03.03.202514:00 - 16:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Mon03.03.202514:00 - 16:00EI 10 Fritz Paschke HS - UIW 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Wed05.03.202508:00 - 10:00HS 8 Heinz Parkus - CEE 1. Introduction
Wed05.03.202508:00 - 10:00EI 3 Sahulka HS - UIW 1. Introduction
Mon10.03.202514:00 - 16:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Mon10.03.202514:00 - 16:00EI 10 Fritz Paschke HS - UIW 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Wed12.03.202508:00 - 10:00HS 8 Heinz Parkus - CEE 1. Introduction
Wed12.03.202508:00 - 10:00EI 3 Sahulka HS - UIW 1. Introduction
Mon17.03.202514:00 - 16:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Mon17.03.202514:00 - 16:00EI 10 Fritz Paschke HS - UIW 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Wed19.03.202508:00 - 10:00HS 8 Heinz Parkus - CEE 1. Introduction
Wed19.03.202508:00 - 10:00EI 3 Sahulka HS - UIW 1. Introduction
Mon24.03.202514:00 - 16:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Mon24.03.202514:00 - 16:00EI 10 Fritz Paschke HS - UIW 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Wed26.03.202508:00 - 10:00HS 8 Heinz Parkus - CEE 1. Introduction
Wed26.03.202508:00 - 10:00EI 3 Sahulka HS - UIW 1. Introduction
Mon31.03.202514:00 - 16:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Mon31.03.202514:00 - 16:00EI 10 Fritz Paschke HS - UIW 3. First Principles (FC-S)
Wed02.04.202508:00 - 10:00HS 8 Heinz Parkus - CEE 1. Introduction
Wed02.04.202508:00 - 10:00EI 3 Sahulka HS - UIW 1. Introduction

Examination modalities

The exam exclusively concerns the materials included in the PowerPoint documents (on TUWEL). The questions will be in German, but English versions will be available on request (they have to be requested at least 7 days in advance).

The exam consists of 2 parts, separated by a 15 min break.

  1. 20 minutes theoretical questions: short multiple choice questions aiming at testing your understanding of the theory; there is no need to memorize or be able to derive equations. You are not allowed to use any lecture or personal notes, formularies, calculators, electronic devices, etc.!
  2. 120 minutes practical calculation exercises: Electronic devices are not allowed, except a non-programmable pocket calculator (for example TI-30-Models, Casio fx-82/991 WITHOUT Plus). The only extra documentation allowed is the formulary, which includes all relevant information required to solve the exercises.

The theoretical part will count for 1/3rd of the total note, and the exercises will count for 2/3rd. Only the total note will determine whether or not you pass the exam. There is no oral exam.

When required by the ministry or rectorate: ONLINE-exams (TUWEL and ZOOM)

The online exam will be organized exclusively through TUWEL and ZOOM. It concerns a combination of “written online exam as “Quiz” on TUWEL” („Schriftliche Online-Prüfung als „Test“ in TUWEL“) and “written online test on paper” („Schriftliche Online-Prüfung auf Papier“) as indicated in the TU Wien online exam guidelines.

The students are responsible to fulfill the technical and spatial requirements for an online exam. These include:

  • a PC/Notebook/Tablet with a camera, microphone and speakers (or a Headset)
  • a stable internet connection
  • an examination room in which the participant is alone
  • no disruptions during the duration of the exam
  • a PRINTOUT of the latest version of the formulary, printed in advance
  • 6 pages of unlined, blank, white paper, writing utensils and other allowed tools (a transparent glass of water or a transparent drinking bottle without a label are, of course, allowed)
  • the means to digitalize/scan written on pages for the submission (a scanner or smartphone scanner app)

Examination supervision: For fair examination supervision, the students themselves, the desk and the screen must be visible in the ZOOM meeting! There are usually 2 possible variants for this:

  • if the webcam is integrated into the working device, the working device must be positioned so that the student AND the desk are visible. It must still be possible for the student to operate the working device (for multiple-choice input and communication) and it must also be possible to read the TUWEL page with exam questions and answers (e.g. external mouse/keyboard, adjust display size). At the same time, continuous screen sharing is required to be able to control its content.
  • if an external webcam is available and can be positioned in such a way that the student, the desk AND the screen are clearly visible, continuous screen sharing can be dropped.

The set-up should be tried and tested by the students in advance of the exam date. In case a student does not own a webcam (separate or built-in), a smartphone camera can also be used (possibly in combination with apps like DroidCam). The webcam should be turned on during the full duration of the exam.

As part of the examination supervision, it is necessary that the complete ZOOM web meeting is RECORDED during the exam (allowed tools, parallel sessions). You will therefore be asked for your consent through TUWEL days before the exam and reference is made to the TU data protection information.

If you do not want to consent to the recording or if you have other problems with the online exam requirements, please contact the responsible assistant when registering for the exam (at least 7 days in advance) and a solution will be worked out (taking the online exam at the institute).

At the starting time of the exam, the students that are registered for one of that day’s exam sessions, get access to all the relevant documentation and a Zoom web meeting link on the current TUWEL course page.

At least 10 minutes before the start of the exam, the student should enter the relevant Zoom web meeting, so there is enough time for the practical set-up. Upon entry into the Zoom web meeting, the student should introduce themselves using their first and last names.

At the start of the exam, the identity of each student will be checked by means of a video identification process (moving both head and ID in front of the camera). Then the student will be asked to turn the camera around and picture the whole room, in order to confirm that no unauthorized tools or other people are present in the room. After that the exam will be started.

During the exam, all participants are divided into private breakout sessions. Questions can be asked of the examiner when he/she joins the breakout session at regular intervals for control, or by using the zoom function "Ask for help".

During the full duration of the exam the audio output (speakers/headphones) has to be activated, so that the supervisor’s announcements can be heard and directives can be adhered to. When there is an indication of exam fraud, the supervisor will give the student in question instructions (turning the camera around again or sharing the screen) which must be followed. In case the student does not comply or the suspected fraud is proven, the exam will be terminated for that student and will be counted as one of the total amount of allowed attempts.

In the case of technical malfunctions, the supervisor will decide (depending on duration and scope of the issue) whether the exam has to be terminated or can be carried on for the student in question. In case of prolonged technical problems, the supervisor in charge should be contacted by e-mail.

20 minutes theoretical questions:

A TUWEL quiz will be made available, which has to be filled out and handed in within 20 minutes after starting the quiz. The quiz will be an automatically composed multiple choice test with mixed questions, which can be answered until the deadline. During the online quiz, a continuous Zoom web meeting connection (eye contact) has to be running and no external tools (lectures notes, etc.) are allowed.

15 minutes break:

During the break, the student is allowed to leave the room (to use the restroom, get a drink or snack,…). During the theoretical and practical exam parts, the student is not allowed to leave their examination room!

120 minutes practical calculation exercises:

Before the start of the practical part, the examination room and the allowed tools (self-printed formulary, non-programmable calculator) will be checked again through the student’s camera. Afterwards the information, a TUWEL quiz and the submission page on TUWEL will be unlocked and the working time start running. The answers of the practical calculations have to be answered through a TUWEL quiz and/or on manually written pages. As previously described, during the whole duration of the practical exam, the camera has to be positioned so that eye contact is possible and the table is within view.

The upper right corner of the first page (size of a student ID) should not be written on.

To submit the practical part, the TUWEL quiz has to be finished before the time limit and all of the written pages have to be scanned (or photographed) completely and uploaded through TUWEL within 10 minutes after the end of the exam. The student ID has to be placed on the first page in the upper right corner (on the for this purpose reserved open space) and scanned with the rest of the page. It is not allowed to upload separate images. All scanned pages have to be combined into one PDF document (use apps like Adobe Scan, Office Lens, etc., test them and learn to operate them before the exam!). During the scanning (or photographing) and uploading, the Zoom web meeting has to keep running. This means that the scanning device already has to be placed within reach before the start of the exam. If a smartphone is used as a webcam, then it can NOT be used to scan (or photograph) the exam.

After a check of the exam submission, the Zoom web meeting will be ended BY THE SUPERVISOR. In the case a student wants to leave the exam before the time limit has been reached, they have to notify the supervisor through the Zoom chat. THE SUPERVISOR will then end the connection for that student. Should a student independently terminate the ZOOM web meeting connection during the exam, this will be considered an exam termination.


DayTimeDateRoomMode of examinationApplication timeApplication modeExam
Tue10:00 - 13:0001.10.2024HS 17 Friedrich Hartmann - ARCH written30.08.2024 12:00 - 26.09.2024 12:00TISSPrüfung
Tue10:00 - 13:0001.10.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH written30.08.2024 12:00 - 26.09.2024 12:00TISSPrüfung
Tue09:00 - 12:0010.12.2024Seminarraum AD 03 - 1 written30.10.2024 12:00 - 06.12.2024 12:00TISSPrüfung
Tue09:00 - 12:0010.12.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH written31.10.2024 12:00 - 06.12.2024 12:00TISSPrüfung
Fri10:00 - 13:0010.01.2025HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH written10.12.2024 12:00 - 08.01.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung
Fri10:00 - 13:0010.01.2025HS 14A Günther Feuerstein written10.12.2024 12:00 - 08.01.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung
Tue - 04.03.2025written31.01.2025 12:00 - 28.02.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung
Tue10:00 - 13:0004.03.2025HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH written04.02.2025 12:00 - 28.02.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung
Tue12:00 - 15:0006.05.2025HS 17 Friedrich Hartmann - ARCH written07.04.2025 12:00 - 02.05.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung
Tue - 06.05.2025written04.04.2025 12:00 - 02.05.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung
Wed14:00 - 17:0018.06.2025HS 13 Ernst Melan - RPL written16.05.2025 12:00 - 16.06.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung
Wed14:00 - 17:0018.06.2025Seminarraum AD 03 - 1 written16.05.2025 12:00 - 16.06.2025 12:00TISSPrüfung

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
24.02.2025 12:00 02.07.2025 12:00 02.07.2025 12:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 265 Civil Engineering Mandatory2. Semestertrue
Course belongs to the introductory and orientation phase ("Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase")
033 266 Environmental Engineering Mandatory2. Semestertrue
Course belongs to the introductory and orientation phase ("Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase")


There is no script for the course offered.

All documents will be provided in the related TUWEL course.

