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210.001 Multidisciplinary Planning
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, UE, 2.0h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • to reproduce the contents of the technical lectures
  • to ask critical-analytical questions about the lectures
  • to enter into a scientific discourse with specialist speakers

Subject of course

Topic 1:

GCD_24 Symposium – 8 November 2024

Methods of Multidisciplinary Planning in the Field of Computational Design in Research and Practical Applications for Civil Engineering!

Leading researchers will give lectures on recent developments in geometry, computer graphics, computational design, and civil and architectural engineering. In addition, selected and ongoing research projects within the center and the Special Research Programme Advanced Computational Design will be presented in short talks, on posters, and in an exhibition. The symposium will be held in English.

As a student, you have the opportunity to attend the symposium free of charge. Afterwards, you will write a seminar paper on three lectures of your choice, in which you will present the contents and connect them with your own literature research. The methods of scientific work must be applied in the process.

Topic 2:

Teilnahme am RENOWAVE.studio – 22-23 Oktober 2024

Nutze die Chance, deine multidisziplinären Planungsfähigkeiten bei der diesjährigen RENOWAVE.studio zu erweitern – dem Vernetzungsevent für junge Talente im Rahmen der RENOWAVE.AT Impact Days. In zwei intensiven Tagen entwickelst du in interdisziplinären Teams kreative und innovative Lösungen für reale Herausforderungen der Bauwirtschaft. Unterstützt von erfahrenen Coaches arbeitest du mit Studierenden aus Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Informatik, Sozialwissenschaften, Management, Wirtschaft und Umwelttechnik zusammen.


  • Digitales Kick-off und Kennenlernen: 9. Oktober
  • 2-Tages-Sprint: 22. & 23. Oktober, Alte Saline, Hallein, Sbg


  • Wähle zwischen drei realen Challenges: Industriebau, Wohnquartier oder Gebäudeumnutzung.
  • Freie Teilnahme an den RENOWAVE.AT Impact Days 23.10. und 24.10.
  • Reisekostenzuschuss bis zu €250,- (nach Vorlage von Rechnungen).
  • Szenische Arbeitsumgebung und Arbeiten mit eigenen Tools.
  • Urkunde nach erfolgreicher Teilnahme plus 2ECTS Soft Skills

Anmeldung: Sowohl in TISS als auch direkt bei der Veranstaltung hier.

Teaching methods

Topic 1: GCD_24 Symposium

Lectures from practice and research across various disciplines with subsequent discussions.

Independent research and writing of a seminar paper.

Mandatory attendance on 08 November 2024, registration by 9 AM!

Mode of examination




Course dates

Fri09:00 - 17:0008.11.2024 KuppelsaalGCD_Symposium

Examination modalities

Topic 1: GCD_24 Symposium

The seminar paper must be uploaded via TUWEL.

A minimum of 60 points is required to pass the course! The seminar paper can be written in German or English.

  • Cover page – 5 pts
  • Content summary – 30 pts (10 pts per lecture)
  • Own opinion – 30 pts (10 pts per lecture)
  • Research, sources, and graphics – 15 pts
  • Connection of the lectures – 20 pts

Maximum score: 100 pts. The grading scale will be announced in TUWEL.

Course registration

Use Group Registration to register.

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Thema 1: GCD_24 Symposium01.08.2024 08:0006.11.2024 23:59
Thema 2: RENOWAVE.studio01.08.2024 08:0006.10.2024 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 265 Civil Engineering Elective
066 505 Civil Engineering Science Elective
610 FW Elective Courses - Civil Engineering Elective


No lecture notes are available.


