Aufgrund einer geplanten Datenbankwartung ist TISS am Dienstag, den 03.09.2024, voraussichtlich zwischen 07:00 und 09:00 Uhr nicht verfügbar. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

195.095 Marketing, Sales and Public Relations
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2024S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2.0
  • ECTS: 3.0
  • Typ: VU Vorlesung mit Übung
  • Format der Abhaltung: Präsenz


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...

  • Know the basics of the classic 4 P’s in marketing (product, price, place and promotion)
  • Know B2B and B2C marketing activities, techniques and tools (including e-Marketing incl. Social Media Marketing, Growth Hacking and SEA/SEO)
  • Develop a marketing strategy and a strategy to launch the product/service
  • Understand customer behavior, needs and decision making and knowing how to implement CRM – Customer Relationship Management
  • Be familiar with B2B and B2C sales activities, techniques and tools
  • Develop a sales strategy incl. selection of appropriate distribution channels and acquisition of potential business partners
  • Know how to do sales messaging (e.g. cold emails) and negotiate with business partners
  • Be familiar with sales automation tools
  • Know PR activities, techniques and tools

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

IMPORTANT: This lecture is only for students assigned to the supplementary curriculum "Extended Study on Innovation" offered by the Innovation Incubation Center (i²c)! For further information, please visit

Content description

1. Marketing & Sales Lecture (lecturer: Dieter Rappold)

Any startup has the goal of becoming a successful business. While product development is a primary component of a successful startup, equally important is the ability of a startup to become self-sufficient with profitable customers. Many non-business people think that throwing a marketing plan together and starting sales takes a weekend to develop. But the reality is that successful growth, marketing and sales takes time, hypothesizing, testing, processes and some trial and error. How does a startup, especially one that does not have a marketing and sales expert, take the necessary steps to develop a successful growth, marketing and sales strategy, objectives and tactic that lead to sustainable growth?

This course is designed to outline key areas of growth, marketing and sales that startups should focus on from the day they say ‚ya, let’s do this!' till the day they are ready to launch.

Startup lifecycle and how growth, marketing and sales fits in: Why worry about growth, marketing and sales when I do not even have a product to sell?

  • Difference between marketing and sales (everyone is a sales person in a startup!)
  • Basics of Classical Marketing: 4 P’s, 6’Ps, Markets, Buyer Personas, Buying Process, Marketing & Sales Process
  • B2B, B2C, B2G, B2B2C – distribution options
  • Developing a marketing strategy, objectives and tactics
  • Customer behavior; needs, wants and desires and decision making, empathizing with the customer. 
  • Call Process – what happens on every interaction with a customer 
  • Pricing strategies - how to leverage the most undervalued P of the 4Ps of Marketing
  • Latest tips and tricks to marketing and sales: internet marketing/social media, Growth Hacking, SEA/SEO
  • North star, key metrics and how to make your efforts in go2market measurable.


2. Public Relations Workshop (lecturer: Bernhard Holzer)

Many startups have or will have all kind of stories to tell. But the reality is that most startups lack of visibility or it could be better. What is the right story to tell, who to tell the story and how to find the right media and journalists? This course is designed to provide PR fundamentals, methods and inspiration about how startups can improve their press work.

  • Intro PR & storytelling
  • Startup PR – what is the difference regarding to classic press work?
  • Storytelling – why you are journalists from today on?
  • How do I find the right media and get journalists?
  • How can I structure a story?
  • Insights about how PR & storytelling can give your startup a huge boost

Many examples about how and why PR & stories work in real life for startups and what we can learn out of this

3. Growth Hacking (lecturer: Rameez Okpalaugo)

Growth hackers are in demand, and this workshop will give students an introduction into the world of growth hacking and the importance of having a data-driven appraoch in growing a startup.

This workshop will cover the basics of growth hacking in two parts. In part one, we will take a deep dive into the theroy and concept behind growth hacking. Students will get an overview of the ins and outs of growth hacking; best practices; tools; my proven frameworks, and more.

The second part of the workshop will involve more hands-on, student-driven activities. The outcome is that students learn to develop their own strategy backlog and have a clear understanding of their ideal customer profiles - at the end, it's expected that students will present their strategy and next steps to be taken!

Growth hacking framework - Developing strategies

  • What is growth hacking and the growth mindset
  • Intro into psychographic personas 
  • Intro into the pirate metric funnel and how to translate it into their business
  • Define Northstar metric + assisted metrics
  • Intro into tool based marketing - my top +20 tools + use cases
  • My proven backlog templates and frameworks 

4. Master the Art of Sales & Drive Revenue Growth  (lecturer: Eddie Nudel)

Ready to close more deals and fuel your business growth? This practical workshop equips you with the essential sales skills and strategies to conquer markets.

Description:  Want to boost your sales game and take your business to the next level? This interactive workshop provides hands-on guidance on essential sales techniques, from prospecting and cold outreach to building relationships and closing deals. Learn how to create a sales funnel, set realistic targets, and implement effective customer acquisition and retention strategies. 

Written outcomes

  • Develop a comprehensive sales strategy and establish a winning sales funnel.

  • Master the art of prospecting and cold outreach to generate leads.

  • Learn effective communication and negotiation skills for successful sales conversations.

  • Implement customer acquisition and retention strategies to drive sustainable growth.


Dieter Rappold is the founder and CEO of Speedinvest Pirates, the growth marketing unit of Speedinvest and partner for more than 80 European Startups. He founded one of the most successful Digital Agencies in Austria with knallgrau (later Virtual Identity) in 2001 and scaled it to 50 employees as part of an independent agency with more than 180 employees and 21 million euro in annual revenue. Thus he has over 17 years of experience working with large Brands like Coca-Cola, Heineken, BMW, Opel, Telefonica, HVB and others on international Web Projects and digital strategies. He is an accomplished speaker with more than 100 keynotes, lectures and interviews on digital marketing, making him an expert on the field.

Bernhard Holzer is a PR professional and one of the most well-known communications experts in the Austrian and German Startup scene. He worked in a leading communications position at Germanys biggest Startup-factory Rocket Internet in Berlin. Before that he founded zoomsquare, Austria's Startup of the year 2013. He also set up the StartupPR and Storytelling company woodspr, focusing on Austria, Germany and Switzerland (DACH-region) as well as international Tech media.

Rameez Okpalaugo is a seasoned growth hacker who has been in the field of digital marketing for the last 10 years. He is the founder of and Okaygrowth™️, a growth hacking and brand design agency that helps companies scale by 10x. With his agency, he managed to work as an interim CMO for various companies and startups from being the vice president of growth at a crypto company where he automated around 80,000 messages on social media to generating over 1 million euros in revenue for a legal tech startup.

Eddie Nudel is a seasoned business strategist with over two decades of experience in entrepreneurship, business innovation, and commercial strategy. Currently serving as the Vice President of Business Strategy & Business Operations at AppsFlyer, a multi-billion, marketing technology company. Eddie oversees global go-to-market plans, manages multi-site teams, and drives key business and business initiatives powered by AI and analytics. His journey includes roles such as Founder and CEO at Engage X1, where he raised $1.5 million in funding, and Head of Sales and Product at Minute, where he secured deals with industry giants like Disney and BBC. Beyond his professional endeavors, Eddie serves as a business advisor to prominent networks and is committed to driving corporate-level frameworks and business operations initiatives.



It's a very dynamic, practical, and hands-on type of course where students are given the opportunity to both practice what they've learned throughout the lecture - and even practice what they haven't yet learned. A great attitude, creativity, and a sense of thinking different are required for personal success in this seminar.



Weitere Informationen

***ECTS Breakdown***

3 ECTS = 75 hours

40        Lectures (prüfungsimmanent)
35        Group exercises and assignments

This lecture is only for students assigned to the extended studies on innovation!
For further information please visit

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Do.17:00 - 21:0007.03.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Marketing & Sales 1/5
Di.17:00 - 21:0019.03.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Marketing & Sales 2/5
Di.17:00 - 21:0016.04.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Marketing & Sales 3/5
Di.17:00 - 21:0030.04.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Marketing & Sales 4/5
Mi.16:00 - 20:0008.05.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Growth Hacking Workshop
Mo.17:00 - 20:0013.05.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 PR Workshop
Mi.17:00 - 21:0022.05.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Marketing & Sales 5/5
Do.16:00 - 20:0023.05.2024 OnlineGrowth Hacking 1:1 Feedback
Di.16:00 - 20:0028.05.2024Seminarraum 362 - 1 Sales Workshop


Continuous assessment ("prüfungsimmanent"): Individual modalities by lecturers will be applied, e.g. attendance and active participation, exercises given in class, group work (exercises, assignments), presentation of results,exam.



Nicht erforderlich


046 002 Innovation Gebundenes Wahlfach


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.


SE 058.002 Introduction to Innovation

Weitere Informationen

