Aufgrund einer geplanten Datenbankwartung ist TISS am Dienstag, den 03.09.2024, voraussichtlich zwischen 07:00 und 09:00 Uhr nicht verfügbar. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

195.085 Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2015W, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2.0
  • ECTS: 3.0
  • Typ: VU Vorlesung mit Übung

Ziele der Lehrveranstaltung

Course objective:

To introduce students to a rather different, initial approach to software development to such a degree that the students can, afterwards, themselves undertake ``that'' new approach to software development in an ``experimental engineering'' fashion while reflecting on research issues.

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

To cover principles and techniques of, and tools for domain analysis & description and principles and principles and techniques of, and tools for the systematic ``derivation''
of requirements prescriptions from domain descriptions. See suggested schedule below.

Day-by-day Schedule: approximate!

  • Mon.19.10: Introduction [D:1.1-1.9] and An Example [R:2.1-2.3]
  • Tue.20.10: Entities [D:2] and Parts &c. [D:3.1]
  • Wed.21.10: Unique Identifiers, Mereology and Attributes [D.3.2-3.4]
  • Thu.22.10: Perdurants: Actions and Events [D:4.1-4.10]
  • Fri.23.10: Perdurants: Behaviours [D:4.11-4.13] Closing and [D:5]
Weekend! study and project work!
  • Mon.26.10: Introduction [R:1] and Requirements [R:3]
  • Tue.27.10: Domain Requirements [R:4.1-4.2]
  • Wed.28.10: Domain Requirements [R:4.3-4.5]
  • Thu.29.10: Interface Requirments [R:5]
  • Fri.30.10: Machine Requirements [R:6] and Conclusion [R:7]

Weitere Informationen

The course will be held by PROF. DR. DINES BJØRNER, Technical University of Denmark.



Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Mo.10:00 - 12:0019.10.2015Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mo.14:00 - 16:0019.10.2015Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Di.10:00 - 12:0020.10.2015Seminarraum FAV EG C (Seminarraum Gödel) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Di.14:00 - 16:0020.10.2015Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mi.10:00 - 12:0021.10.2015Seminarraum FAV EG C (Seminarraum Gödel) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mi.15:00 - 17:0021.10.2015Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
10:00 - 12:0022.10.2015 - 23.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Do.14:00 - 16:0022.10.2015Projektraum 2 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Fr.14:00 - 16:0023.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
09:00 - 11:0027.10.2015 - 28.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Di.14:00 - 16:0027.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mi.14:00 - 16:0028.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Do.09:00 - 11:0029.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Do.14:00 - 16:0029.10.2015 Theresianumgasse 27, HS1Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Fr.09:00 - 11:0030.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Fr.14:00 - 16:0030.10.2015 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering - Einzeltermine
Mo.19.10.201510:00 - 12:00Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mo.19.10.201514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Di.20.10.201510:00 - 12:00Seminarraum FAV EG C (Seminarraum Gödel) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Di.20.10.201514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mi.21.10.201510:00 - 12:00Seminarraum FAV EG C (Seminarraum Gödel) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mi.21.10.201515:00 - 17:00Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2) Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Do.22.10.201510:00 - 12:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Do.22.10.201514:00 - 16:00Projektraum 2 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Fr.23.10.201510:00 - 12:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Fr.23.10.201514:00 - 16:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Di.27.10.201509:00 - 11:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Di.27.10.201514:00 - 16:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mi.28.10.201509:00 - 11:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Mi.28.10.201514:00 - 16:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Do.29.10.201509:00 - 11:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Do.29.10.201514:00 - 16:00 Theresianumgasse 27, HS1Domain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Fr.30.10.201509:00 - 11:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085
Fr.30.10.201514:00 - 16:00 Bibliothek 185.1, Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floorDomain and Requirements: Science & Engineering / 195.085



Von Bis Abmeldung bis
24.09.2015 17:00 18.10.2015 23:59 18.10.2015 23:59


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786 881 Informatik Gebundenes Wahlfach
PhD Vienna PhD School of Informatics Keine Angabe


1.) Manifest Domains: Analysis and Description

2.) From Domain Descriptions to Requirements Prescriptions:

3.) Lecture slides:

