194.152 Enterprise & Process Engineering
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2024W, VU, 4.0h, 6.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4.0
  • ECTS: 6.0
  • Typ: VU Vorlesung mit Übung
  • Format der Abhaltung: Präsenz


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage den Zweck einer Unternehmensarchitektur und der entsprechenden unternehmensweiten Systementwicklung zu verstehen:

  • relevante Aspekte einer Unternehmensarchitektur identifizieren und bewerten,
  • geeignete Modellierungskonzepte zur Beschreibung einer Unternehmensarchitektur auswählen,
  • entsprechende Konzepte und Methoden anwenden, um eine Unternehmensarchitektur mittels geeigneter Modelle zu beschreiben,
  • Geschäftsprozesse, wie sie in einer Unternehmensarchitektur identifiziert sind, entwerfen/ausarbeiten
  • Beschreiben Sie ausgewählte Aspekte einer Unternehmensarchitektur ohne Hilfe,
  • eine Unternehmensarchitektur anderen kommunizieren,
  • in kleinen Teams eine Unternehmensarchitektur entwickeln,
  • Geschäftsprozess modellieren, analysieren und optimieren.
  • in kleinen Teams Geschäftsprozesse modellieren und optimieren.

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

Important information

The 194.152 Enterprise & Process Engineering (6ec) course is a follow up to the courses 194.043 Enterprise Architecture (3ec) and 188.924 Workflow Modeling & Process Management (3ec). The latter two courses will not be offered anymore.

However, as a transitional measure for 2023W and 2024W, students who already passed one of these two latter courses successfully do not have to attend the full 194.152 Enterprise & Process Engineering course. To enable this, the course (for 2023W and 2024W) is actually divided into two modules: BPM and EA.
Students need to:
(1) register for the 194.152 Enterprise & Process Engineering (6ec) course,
(2) in TUWEL (no later than the 4th of October) identify which of the two modules you plan to attend (BPM & EA, only BPM or only EA) in TUWEL.

For students who only attend one of the two modules, the final grade for 194.152 will be the average of the final grade received for the course that was already attended in the past (188.924 or 194.043) and the final grade of the newly attended part in the context of 194.152.
For students who attend both modules, the final grade will be based on the total number of points earned across the two modules.

  • Methoden und Frameworks der Unternehmensarchitektur.
  • Sprachen der Unternehmensarchitektur.
  • Analyse einer Unternehmensarchitektur.
  • Methoden und Frameworks für das Geschäftsprozessmanagement.
  • Sprachen zur Geschäftsprozessmodellierung.
  • Analyze und Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen.
  • Prozessmonitoring.



During the lectures new theory will be presented, while we will also reflect on what has been learned so-far. This is complemented with practical work to enable students to apply the concepts they have learned during the lectures. Additionally, two (on-line) guest lectures by practitioners will be planned to report on enterprise and process engineering in practice. These will be scheduled separately.



Weitere Informationen

The 194.152 Enterprise & Process Engineering (6ec) course is a follow up to the courses 194.043 Enterprise Architecture (3ec) and 188.924 Workflow Modeling & Process Management (3ec). The latter two courses will not be offered anymore.

However, as a transitional measure for 2023W and 2024W, students who already passed one of these two latter courses successfully do not have to attend the full 194.152 Enterprise & Process Engineering course. To enable this, the course (for 2023W and 2024W) is actually divided into two modules: BPM and EA.
Students need to:
(1) register for the 194.152 Enterprise & Process Engineering (6ec) course,
(2) in TUWEL (no later than the 4th of October) identify which of the two modules you plan to attend (BPM & EA, only BPM or only EA) in TUWEL.

For students who only attend one of the two modules, the final grade for 194.152 will be the average of the final grade received for the course that was already attended in the past (188.924 or 194.043) and the final grade of the newly attended part in the context of 194.152.
For students who attend both modules, the final grade will be based on the total number of points earned across the two modules.

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Mo.13:00 - 15:0007.10.2024 - 27.01.2025FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Enterprise & Process Engineering - Einzeltermine
Mo.07.10.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.14.10.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.21.10.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.28.10.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.04.11.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.11.11.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.18.11.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.25.11.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.02.12.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.09.12.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.16.12.202413:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.13.01.202513:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.20.01.202513:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre
Mo.27.01.202513:00 - 15:00FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF Lehre


For each of the two "modules", there are three examination parts:.

1. Students will work in a team of 4 on a BPM/EA related case study, resulting in a final report to be handed in at the end of the module. 
Note: we will try to establish the teams in such a way, that students who do both modules can work in the same team (and the same case) across both modules. This group work amounts to 40% of the overall grade (per module).

2. The teams are also required to, after each lecture, prepare a presentation with a summary of the previous lecture, as well as the answer to weekly questions. At the start of each lecture, one group will be asked to present their summary and answers. At the end of each module, each group should hand in a final version (as PDF) of the integrated presentation covering all lectures. This group work amounts to 20% of the overall grade (per module).

3. Students will take part of a written exam, uring the last session of each lecture part. The exam will be 1h, and will include questions on all topics covered during the lecture. The exam amounts to 40% of the overall grade.

To pass a module, it is required to have received at least 50% of the points for each of the three individual examination parts.


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
16.09.2024 00:00 08.10.2024 23:59 08.10.2024 23:59


066 926 Business Informatics Pflichtfach


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.

Weitere Informationen

