Am 30. Juli 2024 wird es aufgrund einer wichtigen Datenbankaktualisierung zwischen 8 und 11 Uhr zu Serviceunterbrechungen in den Bereichen Student-Self-Service und Personalbedarf kommen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

193.129 Beyond the Desktop Abgesagt
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2023S, VU, 4.0h, 6.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4.0
  • ECTS: 6.0
  • Typ: VU Vorlesung mit Übung
  • Format der Abhaltung: Hybrid


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...

…explain architectures, technologies and systems that are alternative to traditional GUI-based systems;

… design and prototype systems including one or more of the following: tangible UIs, mobile UIs, ubicomp, embedded sensor and display systems, ambient interactive screens. 

…innovate the design of alternative UIs

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

Focus of this »special edition« of the course is the history of interaction design. The work in the course goes towards the creation of a »hands-on« museum as well as digital exhibit of the design of interactive technology from the last fifty years. Contributions by students are analytical work, bibliographical work, design work, analysis and structuring of existing material, creation of new material from recent years, programming of new and/or adaptation of existing emulators, etc.

In the course of this, future directions for the design of interactive systems are collected and critically discussed. 


6 ECTS = 150 hours

- Basics in theory and practice (lectures, 10 hours)

- Reading, analysis and critical discussion of interaction technologies (in groups, 20 hours)

- Research and documentation regarding recent UI technologies (in groups 20 hours)

- Categorization and classification of parts of a large body of material from UI history (individually, 30 hours)

- Creation of a catalog and classification of UI technologies (in groups, 10 hours)

- Design and creation of prototypes (35 hours)



Vortragende Personen




The grade in the course is determined by active participation, originality of contribution, and completeness of work. 


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
01.02.2023 00:00 06.03.2023 15:00


Places in the course will be assigned in this order:

- Students of master program media & human-centered computing in the order of registration 

- Students of other master programs

- Students of bachelor programs


066 926 Business Informatics Keine Angabe
066 935 Media and Human-Centered Computing Pflichtfach1. Semester


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.

