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193.118 Project in Computer Science 2
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, PR, 4.0h, 6.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 6.0
  • Type: PR Project
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to

  • Analyze a given problem statement
  • Plan the project phases
  • Select and adapt appropriate approaches to solve a problem
  • Apply adequate tools and technologies for the implementation
  • Document the results of a software project

Subject of course

During the course of this project students will realize a practical assignment beginning with a coarse-grained requirements definition culminating in a final prototypical realization. The exact definition of your project assignment will be done together with your advisor and depends on the chosen topic, the topic's complexity, and the size of your team (if you are working in one).

Group 193-07 (CVAST Team: Silvia Miksch and Team)



  • https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=58865
  • IMPORTANT: All important information and dates are in the TUWEL course


For 193-04 (ACUR) - Please write an email to the respective colleague you want to have as a supervisor and would like to make an appointment.


Group 193-03 (Research Area on Virtual Reality: Kaufmann, Eidenberger, Brument)



Teaching methods

Implementation and documentation of a prototype system

Mode of examination


Additional information

ECTS Breakdown     

Group 193-07 (CVAST Team: Silvia Miksch and Team)


6 ECTS = 150 hours
15   Proposal writing
15   Problem Analysis, Literature research
25   Design
80   Implementation / Evaluation
10   Documentation
5   Presentation




Course dates

Wed14:00 - 15:0002.10.2024 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/2542174439?pwd=dGlzdlpTVDljVXcwdlpTaGJrQWNIZz09Topics presentation VR and AR group
Fri10:00 - 12:0025.10.2024Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2) Introduction
Mon10:00 - 12:0004.11.2024FAV Hörsaal 2 Literature Search
Mon15:00 - 17:0011.11.2024FAV Hörsaal 2 Scientific Writing
Wed10:00 - 13:0022.01.2025Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2) Final Presentations
Thu13:00 - 16:0023.01.2025Seminarraum FAV 01 A (Seminarraum 183/2) Final Presentations

Examination modalities

Implementation and documentation of a prototype system

Course registration

Not necessary



No lecture notes are available.



if required in English