After successful completion of the course, students are able to complete a larger task in the field of medical informatics, where a prototypical application or artefact is developed. Students can plan and carry out a project, driven by an iterative user-centered design process and based on clinical/theoretical knowledge as relevant, produce results and provide an evaluation.
Students enhance their knowledge on medical applications, and qualitative research methods to obtain design requirements and goals. They learn how to meet these requirements by designing a working technical artefact.
To convey a broader knowledge of interdisciplinary problem solving approaches in the area of informatics and medicine, especially from a patient-centred and/or clinician-centred perspective. To convey an extended ability to design applications for solving specific problems in the area of informatics and medicine.
This course allows the students to study and implement user-centered methods. These methods have to fit the project requirements. Methods include interviews, testing of prototypes, sketching, mockups, workshops, etc.
Please email lecturers for first appointment to discuss a project idea.
24h Choosing a theme, Literature search 36h Project meetings 156h Implementation / Testing 84h Writing up der Bachelorarbeit ------- 300h
Potential topics:
Students can conduct a project based on provided topics. As an alternative, students can conceptualize their own project if it focuses on digital tools, digital methods, participatory medical informatics research and engaging with the needs of users.