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193.056 User Research Methods Project
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022W, PR, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: PR Project
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

Apply the learning from 193-055 User Research Methods (VU) class to a significant problem by researching the needs or opportunties of a context with a view to technology design:

  1. Design a detailed plan of a user research study that matches method(s) to research question(s)
  2. Fulfil ethical requirements for conducting research with people
  3. Conduct data collection with people using at least three different research methods
  4. Handle collected data in line with GDPR requirements and prepared for analysis
  5. Analyse data to draw out explanatory insights
  6. Map insights into implications for design
  7. Write up a research study for an academic audience
  8. Present study insights for a non-academic audience
  9. Engage in critical discussions of others’ research study designs and executions
  10. Name strategies for working together effectively as a collaborative research team

Subject of course

Large group project where students apply methods from 193.055 [User Research Methods VU] to a topic of their own choosing, with an emphasis on user research, and taking it through to some design recommendations.

Teaching methods

Learning by doing and reflecting

In-class guidance of group work and feedback

Mode of examination


Additional information

[Note: we have been advised to say 'hybrid' given current uncertainties but our hope is that we will be able to deliver the course in person as the main modality.]

ECTS Breakdown: 3ECTS = 75 hours

  • 15 hrs  In-class discussions about project plans; presentations of work in progress and final report; Peer feedback
  • 60 hrs  Group project work (an example breakdown into 5 hrs planning, 25 hrs conduct, 15 hrs analysis, 15 writing up)

[Note: We will only use as much of the session time slot as we need and only presentation sessions are likely to take the full allocted time.]



Course dates

Wed15:00 - 16:0009.11.2022 HCI Library Argentinierstrasse 8 2nd floorPR Topics, Q&A, team prep
Wed15:00 - 16:0016.11.2022 HCI Library Argentinierstrasse 8 2nd floorStarting your project, feedback on your research topic
Wed15:00 - 16:0030.11.2022 HCI Library Argentinierstrasse 8 2nd floorOther methods 2 / Mixed Methods (shared with VU)
Wed15:00 - 16:0014.12.2022 HCI Library Argentinierstrasse 8 2nd floorWork in Progress Presentations
Wed15:00 - 16:0011.01.2023 HCI Library Argentinierstrasse 8 2nd floorFeedback and guidance for wrapping up
Wed13:00 - 15:0018.01.2023 HCI Library Argentinierstrasse 8 2nd floorPR Final client presentation

Examination modalities

100% Project mark will be comprised of a mix of individual (noted below) and group components:

  • 10% Research Plan & Group Charter
  • 20% Peer feedback [individual]
  • 15% Final 'client' presentation
  • 35% Final academic conference paper
  • 10% Final reflections 'lessons' learnt [individual]
  • 10% Documentation of work [individual]

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
11.08.2022 09:00 21.10.2022 17:00

Registration modalities

Companion to 093.055; 

NOTE: Cannot be taken without 093.055 in the same semester


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 645 Data Science Not specified
066 935 Media and Human-Centered Computing Mandatory1. Semester


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

You can only register for this course if you are also registered in the same semester for the URM VU course 193.055.

If oversubscribed, priority will be given to Informatics Masters students.

Accompanying courses


  • Attendance Required!

