On July 30th, 2024, due to an important database update, there will be service interruptions in the Student Self-Service and Workforce Management areas between 8 AM and 11 AM. Thank you for your understanding.

193.052 Scientific Research and Writing
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022S, SE, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to
- demonstrate a basic knowledge of
  # the conecept of science and its whys and whererefors (philosophy of science)
  # research methods (research methodology)
  # the operation of the scientific community
  # ethical issues of science and research
  # citation rules
- autonomously perform a literature search
- command basic skills of
  # reading scientific papers
  # scientific writing
  # correct handling of references and citations
  # scientific presentation

Subject of course

Introduction to science and the operation of the scientific community; based on a self-chosen or a given topic students practice developing a research question, performing a literature search, basic skills of scientific writing, and giving a scientific presentation

Teaching methods

Part one:
Introductory lecture (during the first 2 weeks of the semester).

Part two (beginning in the fourth week of the semester):
Supervision by a professor; regular group meetings -
Performing a literature search; autonomously writing a short seminar paper on a self-chosen or a given topic; presentation of the seminar paper (slides)

Mode of examination


Additional information

Part 1: Distance Learning

Part 2: The format of part 2 is specified by the professor who is responsibel for the respective seminar group of part 2 (distance learning or presence or a mixture of both). Information on the format of the particular groups of part 2 will be available in TISS (see tab "Communication/Documents") and in TUWEL at the beginning of March ("Ablauffolien").

For more detailled information on the course "Scientific Research and Writing" and the relevant dates read the syllabus of the course (please go to "Documents" to download the pdf-document)

Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Course dates

16:00 - 18:0001.03.2022 - 08.03.2022 Zoom via TUWEL (LIVE)Lecture
Fri16:00 - 18:0011.03.2022 TUWEL & Zoom (LIVE)exam on part 1
Scientific Research and Writing - Single appointments
Tue01.03.202216:00 - 18:00 Zoom via TUWELOptional preliminary meeting: information + questions
Wed02.03.202216:00 - 18:00 Zoom via TUWELLecture
Thu03.03.202216:00 - 18:00 Zoom via TUWELLecture
Mon07.03.202216:00 - 18:00 Zoom via TUWELLecture
Tue08.03.202216:00 - 18:00 Zoom via TUWELLecture
Fri11.03.202216:00 - 18:00 TUWEL & Zoomexam on part 1

Examination modalities

Part 1:
Specific tasks (during lecture sessions & homework) + written exam at the end of part 1 (via TUWEL)
Part 2:
Will be announced on the webpage of the supervising professor in due time

# To succesfully complete the course, students must not fail in any of the two parts of the course.

The grades of each part are weighted as follows when the overall grade of the course is calculated:
Grade of part 1: 17%
Grade of part 2: 83%
(commercially rounded)

Group dates

Teil 2 - 191-01Tue16:00 - 18:0022.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/92895453971193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 191-01
Teil 2 - 191-03-01Wed12:00 - 14:0023.03.2022CPS Bibliothek 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 191-03-01
Teil 2 - 191-03-02Tue10:00 - 12:0022.03.2022CPS Bibliothek 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 191-03-02
Teil 2 - 191-03-03Wed13:15 - 15:1523.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/91443441095193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 191-03-03
Teil 2 - 192-01-01Mon00:00 - 00:0021.03.2022 read our materials on TUWEL and take a short quiz between the 21st and 24th of March https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=46870. Our TUWEL site will be activated on the 21.03193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-01-01
Teil 2 - 192-01-02Thu14:00 - 16:0024.03.2022Seminarraum FAV 01 A (Seminarraum 183/2) 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-01-02
Teil 2 - 192-02Thu10:00 - 12:0007.04.2022 siehe https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=47857193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-02
Teil 2 - 192-02Mon14:00 - 18:0009.05.2022 siehe https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=47857193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-02
Teil 2 - 192-02Mon10:00 - 17:0020.06.2022 siehe https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=47857193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-02
Teil 2 - 192-03-01Mon14:00 - 16:0021.03.2022 The link is going to be sent by email193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-03-01
Teil 2 - 192-03-02Mon14:00 - 16:0021.03.2022 The link is going to be sent by email193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-03-02
Teil 2 - 192-05-01Tue11:00 - 13:0029.03.2022 https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=47275193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-05-01
Teil 2 - 192-05-02Tue11:00 - 13:0029.03.2022 https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?id=47275193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-05-02
Teil 2 - 192-06 (persönliche Anmeldung)Mon15:15 - 17:1507.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/92011142498193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 192-06 (persönliche Anmeldung)
Teil 2 - 193-01Thu10:00 - 12:0007.04.2022Seminarraum FAV 01 A (Seminarraum 183/2) 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 193-01
Teil 2 - 193-02 (persönliche Anmeldung)Wed11:00 - 13:0009.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/95451224939?pwd=eWh2dUh6WklDdjRYY1dOTHhnMGFaZz09193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 193-02 (persönliche Anmeldung)
Teil 2 - 193-04 (persönliche Anmeldung)Wed16:30 - 18:3009.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/97209303834?pwd=eCtGVmtOaERlTnVuZVZsVkR5SzdSdz09193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 193-04 (persönliche Anmeldung)
Teil 2 - 193-05Wed13:00 - 15:0023.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/96671058601?pwd=cFk3UnZlTFFYc1c0b3Y4QVQ4bHl5UT09193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 193-05
Teil 2 - 193-07Wed12:00 - 14:0023.03.2022Seminarraum FAV 01 A (Seminarraum 183/2) 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 193-07
Teil 2 - 194-01-01Thu10:00 - 12:0024.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/97374818446193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-01-01
Teil 2 - 194-01-02Thu10:00 - 12:0031.03.2022 Besprechungsraum 194-01193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-01-02
Teil 2 - 194-01-03 (persönliche Anmeldung)Wed16:00 - 18:0009.03.2022 tuwien.zoom.us/j/95512975204?pwd=SDJvRzlqcDhEK25yUTFRMDdKNE9XZz09193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-01-03 (persönliche Anmeldung)
Teil 2 - 194-02Mon14:00 - 16:0021.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/96463907782?pwd=WU1UUTUyZ0kzblhYd3RiS28xY2k3UT09193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-02
Teil 2 - 194-03Thu16:00 - 18:0007.04.2022Sem.R. DA grün 02 C - GEO 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-03
Teil 2 - 194-03Fri16:00 - 18:0029.04.2022 - 06.05.2022Sem.R. DA grün 02 C - GEO 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-03
Teil 2 - 194-03Thu16:00 - 18:0019.05.2022Sem.R. DA grün 02 C - GEO 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-03
Teil 2 - 194-04-01Thu14:00 - 16:0024.03.2022Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann) 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-04-01
Teil 2 - 194-04-02Fri11:00 - 13:0022.04.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/96062898227?pwd=WVFTcWNuS3Q2Mno5SWhlMFM2VFRmZz09193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-04-02
Teil 2 - 194-05Tue09:15 - 10:0029.03.2022EI 6 Eckert HS 193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-05
Teil 2 - 194-06Tue15:00 - 17:0022.03.2022 Seminarraum 127 (room CD0324)193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-06
Teil 2 - 194-06Tue15:00 - 17:0022.03.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/my/patrickindri193.052 Scientific Research and Writing Teil 2 - 194-06

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
05.02.2022 00:01 28.02.2022 10:00 02.03.2022 10:00


The student has to be enrolled for at least one of the studies listed below

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Teil 2 - 191-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 191-03-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 191-03-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 191-03-0307.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-01-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-01-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-03-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-03-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-05-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-05-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 192-06 (persönliche Anmeldung)07.03.2022 15:1510.03.2022 17:15
Teil 2 - 193-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 193-02 (persönliche Anmeldung)09.03.2022 11:0009.03.2022 13:00
Teil 2 - 193-04 (persönliche Anmeldung)09.03.2022 16:3009.03.2022 18:30
Teil 2 - 193-0507.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 193-0707.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-01-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-01-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-01-03 (persönliche Anmeldung)07.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-0307.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-04-0107.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-04-0207.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-0507.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00
Teil 2 - 194-0607.03.2022 10:0010.03.2022 23:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 526 Business Informatics Mandatory5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 532 Media Informatics and Visual Computing Mandatory5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 533 Medical Informatics Mandatory5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 534 Software & Information Engineering Mandatory5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 535 Computer Engineering Mandatory5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.


  • Attendance Required!

