After successful completion of the course, students are able to understand the fundamental concepts in cryptography, used for encryption and authentication. They are familiar with the basic definitions in symmetric and public-key cryptography as well as the principle of provable security, the paradigm of modern cryptography. They have seen the most important constructions of cryptographic objects and several security proofs. In the exercises they have learned how to argue about the security of schemes.
Presentations with slides and blackboard during the lecture part, Thursday, 11:15–13:00; homework assignments, presentation and discussion of solved assignments in the exercise sessions.
The course is taught in classroom; lectures will be recorded and made available on TUWEL.
Presence in the exercise units is mandatory
The grade is composed of (1) the number of solved homework assignments and presentations of the solutions in the exercise sessions (50%) and (2) a final exam (50%) on the presented topics, for which having passed (1) is a prerequisite. Unexcused absence in an exercise session results in the corresponding points being withdrawn. Every student has two attemps at the final exam, for which the latter grade counts.
The lecture mainly follows this textbook:
Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Lindell: Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Second Edition